Chapter 3 ~ Warrior's Path

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The watchmen beat the drums as Kizilboga and the alps rode under the bridge, their game slung over the shoulders and backs of their horses. People emerged from their tents and from their stalls to gather on either side of the dusty path leading up to the marquee, welcoming the alps and praising them for their successful hunt.

Though Kizilboga was satisfied with their hunt, their encounter with Ilghazi still daunted him. It had taken quite a large amount of self control to not slap the Doger bey off his mount, although Kizilboga regretted not doing so.

The alps weren't as ruffled by the meeting, but they sure noticed Kizilboga's sour mood on the way back to the camp. The young bey had been cheery during the hunt, but his mood had been considerably darkened. The alps considered it a good idea to stay out of his way, instead riding quietly behind him.

Reaching the steps to the marquee, Kizilboga dismounted from Altin, handing his reins to one of the alps standing in front of the marquee. He beckoned with his hand to three other alps standing nearby for them to come and take their catch to the food hut. He then turned to walk up the stairs to the curtain-door of the marquee's main tent, which was pulled aside for him by one of the two guards.

Baytemir Bey, who sat on the marquee's main seat, looked up as his son walked in. Aylin Hatun, Kizilboga's mother, sat on a cushion on the row to Baytemir's left, while Samir Bey, Baytemir Bey's long-time friend and advisor, sat on the row to the bey's right.

Kizilboga placed his hand on his chest in salutation as he stopped a few metres in front of his father. "Peace be upon you, bey," he greeted the Kayi Bey.

Baytemir nodded. "And peace be upon you, son," he returned. "Welcome." He extended his hand to his right, inviting Kizilboga to sit beside Samir Bey, who moved down one seat in respect to Kizilboga, allowing the young man to sit close to his father.

The young man did so and sat, nodding to Samir, who he had known all his life and regarded as an uncle. He turned his face to his mother and dipped his head to her. Aylin smiled at her eldest son in return.

"Your hunt was successful," Baytemir stated, as if it wasn't a question.

Kizilboga nodded affirmatively, not meeting his father's gaze. This didn't go unnoticed to the Bey, who frowned, puzzled.

"Son," Baytemir said. "Did something happen?"

Kizilboga hesitated, before shaking his head. Baytemir smiled, not a bit convinced.

"Lad," the Bey chuckled, leaning forward. "Look at me." Kizilboga lifted his head to look at his father.

"I know perfectly well when something is up, my brave," Baytemir told him. "There's no use hiding anything from me."

Kizilboga looked away from his father's face, catching his mother's gaze in the process. Aylin nodded, convincing Kizilboga to spill whatever troubled him. Sighing, he looked back at his father.

"The hunt went fine, alhamdulillah," Kizilboga said. He paused, not sure how to continue.

Baytemir moved his head forward and urged his son to continue. "Tell me then. What darkens your face so?"

Kizilboga looked at his feet as he continued. Now, he felt embarrassed that he had let Ilghazi get under his skin so badly. Although he knew he had left an effect on the other young man, the latter had done exactly the same. "Our hunt was successful. However, on the way back, I spotted a goat and aimed an arrow at it. Before I could shoot, an arrow was shot from another direction and killed the goat." He paused.

Baytemir narrowed his eyes, urging his son to continue.

"We came face to face with another party of alps from another tribe. I asked who they were to hunt on our lands, and the leader looked down at me and told me his position allowed him to hunt anywhere he wished on these lands."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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