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Jane's POV:

With a bang the main hall doors were slammed open, making me realize my mistake.

"Jane" Around spoke, my head snapping to face him properly.

"Are you alright Jane dear, you seem to be in quite the daze." I opened my mouth to respond only to find that I myself had not known. And before I could voice this someone spoke causing Aro's gaze to shift.

"She has been away from her mate too frequently as of late Aro, all of our main guards have." Shaking his head Caius' head shook in acknowledgment, almost as if he himself had experienced such a thing.

Anyone who wasn't a vampire wouldn't be able to notice such a small and uncommon thing, but I could see the ghost of what I believe was worry in his frequently angry eyes.

"Yes Aro, they need some time to themselves. You know there are no threats growing within our ranks so it's best they rest now before one blooms and they are not at their best." Marcus sighed, his sullen eyes seeming to look right through our very being.

"Of course my brothers, I couldn't agree more." Turning to face us once again he continued with a tight smile, "A break is long overdue my dear guard, you may stay in the castle. So long as you keep us informed on how long you shall be away I will allow you to travel for extended periods of time. You are dismissed." And with the clap of his hands, we rose from our spots and left to our rooms.

With a quick bye to my brother, I walked down the halls, the clicks of my heels warning lower ranks to steer clear.

But of course, my mind couldn't bother to waste time on such trivial matters. It was overflowing with thoughts of my mate to even have the space to think of such things.

With a light smile, joy surges through my body at the familiar scent down the hall, I'm almost home.

Just seconds later I'm in our room quickly finding her in a dazed-like state on the bed face first into the mattress.

Without a sound I head into the bathroom, quickly removing my makeup and changing into a pair of black pajamas with a small broomstick sowed into the fabric.

Any poor soul to give me such a set would never see the light of day again, but it was a gift from Y/n so I will wear it with pride. I believe that she could buy me a coral suit and I would wear it without a second thought or hesitation, but I'd never tell her such a thing.

Mainly because she would make it a reality.

As quick and as gently as I could I layer on the mattress slowly lifting Y/n into my arms. With a sigh she sunk into my arms and I was home again, after what had felt like years I was home with her in my arms once again.

It was never a guarantee that I would return home, but even if it was I would still cherish every second with her just as much.

My eyes and shoulders relaxed and a smile slowly spread across my face as I massaged my hand through her hair, the other holding hers with such care it seemed almost impossible.

Jane Volturi the older twin of Alec Volturi, has been a vampire for many decades and killed more than double that without hesitation. This same weapo- witch, is holding their mate with such care it is almost laughable to think this same person was the one that did such heinous things.

But truly, I would do it all again. I would burn on that stake and kill thousands all over again if it meant I was guaranteed to be with her for eternity. I, Jane Volturi, have become soft for someone with a smile so bright not even the sun could look for long before shying away at such beauty.



"I love you... more than you will ever know."

"I love you too Jane, and I will continue to, even when you think I don't."

I slowly leaned down pressing a soft and pleasant kiss on her forehead before pulling away to admire her again, a habit I've developed and will probably never break.

///Author's Note: Soft Jane hours anybody?///

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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