Over Coming Obstacles [Chaptet 6]

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Izuku and Eri were waiting in the police station lobby. Eri playing some word game on Izuku's phone, she seemed stuck on it but he'd wait for her to ask for help. When Izuku was younger he hated it when people helped when he didn't ask for it.

Izuku made up a believable alibi of how he found Eri and why he should take her in. So the police wouldn't ask too many questions and take Eri away.

The Alibi:
Izuku has known Eri for around a couple of months now. Izuku found Eri in the alleyway in between the two apartment buildings where he lived, and brought her in; fearing she was cold and hungry to the point of collapsing. She was very dirty and frail. She refused to move or speak when Izuku brought her inside his home.

Izuku didn't know what to do, so he didn't call the police, scared that they'd scare her even more and take her away. He was able to get her to eat a little bit of food before she passed out from what seemed like exhaustion.

During those couple of months, Eri warmed up to Izuku, but when he brought her outside or anywhere with new people she freaked out and started to panic. Izuku asked Eri if she had any family, but she said she didn't know, she also didn't know her last name so he couldn't try and contact anyone who could be related to her.

Izuku has grown attached to Eri, and with Eri's reactions to others, she shouldn't be placed into an orphanage or foster care so suddenly.

(Izuku is also quirkless, and Eri has what some people would call a ' dangerous' or 'villainous' quirk. So the police shouldn't have a problem letting Izuku adopt Eri.)

End Of Alibi:

Izuku has spoken to a couple of officers and detectives by the time they entered an office room, they didn't find any family members who could be related to Eri. Izuku was in the middle of a room, closer to the back wall, was a large oak desk with neatly organized papers it seemed like and a high-tech computer. A file cabinet lined the entire left wall, and a bookshelf on the right side was filled with what seemed to be photos of family and diplomas. Some books here and there.

(Izuku's eyes strayed a little longer from the picture frame with the woman holding her child close to her chest, both with big smiles on their faces. Since he didn't have a mother like that, he would make sure Eri did.)

Izuku had hesitantly left Eri in the room over, it was a room for kids with toys, books, and a TV with a few gaming consoles for entertainment. Eri had only agreed because Izuku convinced her that if she went with him she would get SUPER bored and didn't want to be in the room where they'd only be writing and doing 'grown-up' talking. The truth was Izuku didn't want her there when he was talking to the adopting women to explain the 'displeasures' of having a child so young, that would make Eri upset, and make her think she would be a burden.

As Izuku sat down on the large, leather couch in front of the wooden desk, he stared at the mild-aged woman at the said desk. She had deep purple hair, pulled into a tight high bun, striking magenta eyes, and librarian glasses hanging from the top of her nose. Her name tag said 'Ms. Sairen'.

'Siren, huh? Didn't look like the singing type, but never judged a book by its cover. Maybe it's a part of her quirk?'

"Well, Mr. Midoriya," Ms. Sairen spoke in a monotone voice, snapping Izuku out of his thoughts "Does your mother know what you are doing right now?" She stated, with slight concern in her voice. "Yes, Ms. Sairen. My mother is out for a trip, you see, to visit my father overseas as we speak. But if you want I could show proof. If that is necessary?" Izuku said in a confident tone, wanting to trick her into believing he had his mother's consent.

"No, no. I believe you, but I must warn you." Ms. Sairen didn't seem as gentle as before, becoming more stern with each word. "Having a child presents major responsibilities. Having to feed the child proper food, clean them, dress them, make sure they are in good shape, and make them happy is naming a few." Her hard gaze never faltered as she talked with stern words. "Especially a traumatized child at that, I see how Eri-Chan trusts you, but even then, one wrong move could ruin all that trust." Ms. Sairen's voice softened with that last sentence. For some reason, Izuku felt like he could trust the woman, and tell her all about for he found Eri and how he would rather die than leave Eri alone.

Izuku nods, thinking for a second, he could never live with himself if he ruined what little trust Eri had given to him. "Ms. Sairen, I have worked hard to make sure Eri can trust me. I could never live with myself if I were to break that trust, that's why I'm here to make sure that I never do." Izuku was a hundred percent sure that this was the best decision he could ever make in this situation, and he would never have to any other way.

Ms. Sairen sniffled, small tears coming to her majestic eyes. "Mr. Midoriya, my quirk allows me to make people speak the truth when I speak to them, like a siren could. I'm sorry for using my quirk without your permission, but you can see even without my quirk, you care very much about that little girl." Izuku was shocked, frantically pulling a tissue out of the backpack he brought with him and offering it to the purple-haired woman.

She took the tissue, dabbing her eyes lightly, before rifling through her desk draws and pulling out some papers. Adoption papers. Izuku's mouth slightly opened from anticipation, 'This was happening, huh?'

Izuku picked up the pen that was offered to him, speed reading the papers, only to stop on one of the sentences in the second paragraph. "An allowance?" Izuku was confused, and allowance?

Ms. Sairen sighed, looking slightly disappointed. "Yup," she popped the 'p', "hero commission and the government thinks it was a good idea to pay those who take in a kid with.. 'dangerous' quirks because of their bravery and for taking a 'burden' off their shoulders..." She scoffed, clearly annoyed. "They gave an allowance to my adopted parents when they signed the papers..." The woman sighed.

Izuku frowned, it was a ridiculous amount to give someone for adopting a child. But... another source of income is welcome. When Izuku finished signing the papers, both he and Ms. Sairen walked to the room. As Izuku opened the door, Eri looked up from the little plastic purple table she was currently colouring at, eyes wide with excitement, but still no smile.

"Hello, Eri..." Izuku gently called out, Eri quickly stood up and rushed in front of him as he crouched down to her height.

"Or should I say..." He exaggerated the pause in between his sentences,

" Eri Midoriya."

Eri's eyes blinked up, slow and careful. Before filling with tears as she jumped into Izuku's arms. Hugging with all her might. Izuku hugged back just as tight, eyes filling with his tears. He picked her up tossed her up into the air and spinner her around.

Ms. Sairen started crying as they all walked to the entrance. He thanked her for her assistance and took all the signed paperwork with him.

As Izuku and Eri walked away from the police station, the sun was setting, the day was ending, falling asleep.

They both knew tomorrow would bring a new day. But instead of waking with just one Midoriya, this time, it would wake with two.

1320 Words

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