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Phone ringing ...
She looked at the number and it was unknown.
Then she answered the call and said in a cold voice.
The man in the phone says: are you miss kelaya?
Kelaya answer it: yes, I am
The man in the phone says: miss kelaya I want to you come to the address I am gonna send.
When kelaya was about to end the call but stopped .
The man in the call said: you will just come alone miss kelaya.
And then kelaya ended the call.

*30 minutes later*
Kelaya reached to the place the man in the call sended the address.
She get out the of the car and closed the door of the car.
And come in front of the gate .
The house was big enough to fit peoples.

There was two bodyguard on the front gate

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There was two bodyguard on the front gate . And it looks like not to mess with them. However kelaya just stood in the front of the gate and asked : I am miss kelaya.
Then a minute later...
The bodyguard opened the gate.
And she got inside and see another of the two bodyguard in front of the door. She got in front of the door and then she ringed the bell.
A second later... the door was opened by the maid. Kelaya just got inside of the house and then she asked in a cold voice : where is the man he called me.
The maid shivered when kelaya asked a question in a cold voice.
the maid confidently answer it : boss will come 10 minutes later. So please sit down and what shall I bring you something like tea or water.
Kelaya said nothing. She was looking around and she was suspecting that they are not an ordinary family. Then kelaya heard a voice then she looked where the voice come then they both looking each other is eye. it was a girl she looks beautiful has blue eyes but it says a lot of hidden words. Kelaya was just looking at the girl is eyes that have a lot of hidden words.
Do we have a guest aunty? The girl of the blue eyes asked. The maid asked: yes,miss Vanya. So the blue eye girl name is vanye. Then Vanya looked at kelaya. Vanya Said: hello! Miss kelaya I am Vanya king. You can call me Van or anya. Kelaya just looked at the girl in front of her. Then kelaya said in voice of normal: kelaya. Vanya looked confused. Then again kelaya said in a voice of cold: my name . Then that hit Vanya what does it mean. But she looked a little shocked when kelaya asked in a voice of cold. Then kelaya looked at the maid. She asked: where is the bathroom? The maid just showed where is the bathroom. then kelaya gone into the bathroom. A few minute later... kelaya get out in the bathroom then she heard a voice of crying. Kelaya gone to where the sound of crying is coming?. When she heard where it comes from it is coming from in the room. Then she just got inside of the room. There was a man trying to do something bad to Vanya. then kelaya just take it the vase in near of her. She was not shaking,she was calmly going straight to the man and hit him in the head. Then later a blood come in the man is head. The man looked at kelaya he looked angry and he was about to hold her neck then kelaya just hit him again with the vase. Then a few second later... the man fall on the floor. Vanya was crying and she got shocked when the man fall on the floor. Then kelaya said: don't worry He is not dead... yet. Vanye looked at kelaya then asked: then why he is on the floor? Kelaya answer it: he is just unconscious. Then kelaya put the vase on the ground and it shattered into pieces of the glass.

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