a beautiful lady...

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15 minute later...
They both reached in front of their mansion.

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he bodyguard open the door of car and they both get out of the car. And get inside of the house before they see a beautiful lady. As they get inside and Grey smelled something asked the maid: why is there a new smell . The maid asked : sir, we have a guest.
Grey says: Why do we have a guest. The maid answered : it was your father who have a guest sir. Grey again asked : then where is the guest? I don't see her around? Before the maid answer they heard a shattered voice . Donovan and Grey was alerted. They both looked each other and then rushed in the upstairs to reach in the their sister is room. And the other was running behind donovan and Grey. When they reached and banged the door what they saw was unexpected.

There was a man lying on the floor with blood in the head

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There was a man lying on the floor with blood in the head. WhenVanya sobbed the woman rushed to her side and said : oh my god what happened sweetie are you alright? Vanya answered while sobbing : mom it was not me . It was not me mom. Vanya was keep crying. Until the unknown man checked his neck if he is alive or not. Then unknown man said : he is alive just unconscious. The unknown man asked again: who is he princess ? Vanya looked at his brother and said: I don't know brother I really don't know who was he it was really not me please brother.so the unknown man was kai her second brother. Anyway kai believes it was not her fault. Before the other ask something they heard a girl voice said: dad? they looked back sees a girl with blank face or cold face.

he wore black turtleneck, black jean, kitten heel, a coat with open hair.

he wore black turtleneck, black jean, kitten heel, a coat with open hair

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However the girl is father was shocked what is she doing here. Anyway there is a man who was keep looking at her . When she comes in front of her father and asked with cold voice : so you are working here right? The father come in his sense and asked his daughter: what are you doing here sweetie? But the daughter did not answered she was coldly looking at his father. I called her trevor the unknown old man replied. Them everybody looked at the man who said I called her. Trevor become speechless he never thought his boss would call her eldest daughter to come in this place. But why boss? Trevor questioned to his boss. The boss replied: I wanted to meet your eldest daughter and need something from her. But boss what do you need from my daughter? Trevor was shocked he had no choice but ask his boss. But the boss did not explained anything he was looking at kelaya and kelaya was also looking at the boss coldly asked with voice of cold: why do you need something from? When the billionaire have everything. The others become shock how could someone talk to the mafia Kings like this boldly the boss also did not expected Trevor is daughter be like this. he was thinking she is different from other girls for my eldest son. He means to say she is perfect match of her eldest son. Anyway the boss looked at his eldest son and his eldest son was looking at the girl. However kelaya did not even spare a glance at donovan and others expect Vanya , the boss and her father before going downstairs.

She was normally going downstairs and she received a call it was from her mother but she did not answered

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She was normally going downstairs and she received a call it was from her mother but she did not answered. She just closed her phone. While her father was behind her following her. Kelaya wait... Trevor asked. But his daughter did not even listened. She was keep walked until she reached the living room and stooped. Replied with cold of voice : what do you want to say mister Trevor. The others were there already and was shocked his daughter was talking with a cold voice even said his father is name that was unexpected. However Trevor was used to this but he was feeling sad inside did not showed replied: you should not to speak like this to the boss you need to apologise. Kelaya did not reacted anything she laughed at little and looked at the Kings family and glance at the eldest son donovan. Back at her father. Really... dad? Kelaya replied with cold voice. Before Trevor ask kelaya reached in front the boss. *Sarcasm*
So tell me mister boss what do you need from me? Kelaya asked the boss what does he want from her but he said: I think it is better to talk in private isn't miss kelaya. But kelaya did not replied and react anything. She just simply said: no, you shall say in front of your family why do we need to talk in private mister. The boss did not expected this so he replies what does he need from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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