Chapter 2

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Rafael's POV

"It's small, but it home." Aurelia says.

"That's all that matters, right?"

"I suppose so. You can sleep in the bed."

"No, it's fine. I'll sleep on the couch."

"That's more of a loveseat, and no, you won't. Do you want to wake up in pain?" She looks at me quizzically.

"No, not really."

"Then it's settled. You can sleep in the bed with me, there is plenty of room. I trust you."

"You're a very trusting person."

"You haven't given me a reason not to be Rafael. I know I probably shouldn't be as trusting as I am. I was brought up to give people the benefit of the doubt."

"It's okay. Being a trustworthy person is a great quality." I say, smiling at her.

"The bathroom is over there, so you can get settled."

"Thank you." I head to the bathroom as she fixes the bed up.

I go to the bathroom, then strip down to my t-shirt and underwear. Folding up my suit jacket, button-up, tie, pants, and suspenders into a pile. I walk back out of into the other room with her, setting my clothes into a chair.

"All good?" She asks as she's about to get into bed. She's wearing a cute shirt and short pajama set.

"Yes, all good." I head over to the bed and get in. After setting my alarm, I set my phone on the nightstand.

"I promise I will try not to cuddle with you." She says slightly, laughing afterward.

I smile at her. "It's okay if you do. It's not like I'll be conscious to know if you are or not."

She playfully taps my arm, rolls over, and turns off her lamp. "Goodnight Rafael, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Aurelia, sweet dreams to you too." I say back as I follow her same actions, but laying back down on my back, after turning off the lamp.

I wonder if she had a good time tonight. I know I did. It's been quite some time since I've had a wonderful night out. I can't believe we spent seven hours at that bar. Wild. I hope I can see her again sometime.

Aurelia's POV


"Ugh." I groan as I turn my alarm off. I can't believe it's time to get up already. I look to my left and see that Rafael has already left. I wonder what time he left.

I grab a towel and some work clothes and head to the bathroom. I shower, get my clothes on, do my makeup, and hair. It's almost about time to head to work. I head back out into my kitchen and see a note on the counter.

"Good morning, Aurelia. I had a wonderful time yesterday. I hope you did, too. I left a little after six this morning. I hope my alarm didn't bug you. I hope we can maybe go out again sometime. I wrote my number below. I hope you have a good first day at work. P.S. you were cuddling with me when I woke up. Rafael."

I'm so embarrassed that I was cuddling with him. I can't believe I did that. I guess I will make a bagel real quick. I make my bagel, grab my purse, lock up, and head outside. The sun is shining. I hope my first day goes well. I walk about ten minutes to the station. Here goes nothing. I head in and make my way to the squad room.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Olivia Benson."

"Right this way." I start to follow the detective towards an office.

"Hey Liv, someone is here to see you."

"Thank you, Fin."

I see her get up from her chair and head out to us.

"You must be my new detective." Olivia says, extending her hand.

"Yes, I am. Aurelia Vincent." I say, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you. Did you get in today or not?"

"No, I got here yesterday."

"Oh, okay. Let me introduce you to everyone else. You already met Fin."

"Odafin Tutuola, but you can call me Fin." He says, smiling at me afterward.

"This is Amanda Rollins." Olivia continues.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"And this is Dominick Carisi."

"Hello, you can call me Sonny, though."

"Hello, Sonny."

"Our sargent will be in a little while later. He's new here, too." Olivia says.

"Okay." At least I'm not alone at being new to the squad.

"I'm going to put you with Carisi. Are you alright with that?" Olivia asks.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine." I say, smiling at him.

"Okay. Well I will leave you to it."


"Yes, Amanda?"

"We have a call for a possible rape in progress over in the financial district."

"Okay. Fin and you head out."

"Okay." They both say and leave the squad room.

"Get settled in." Liv says to me as she heads back to her office.

"So where are you from?" Sonny asks me.


"Oh wow. Why did you choose to become a detective in New York?"

"I needed change."

"I get that."

"So, is it pretty insane around here? I ask.

"If by insane, you mean a lot going on all at once. Then yes. Cases either go incredibly quick or slow. it just depends on the case. But working here is worth it. "

"I sure hope so. I've always wanted to do more good in this world, so I hope I can be a good addition to the team."

"I'm sure you will be." He says, smiling at me as he sits back down in his chair.

I get myself all settled in and ask Sonny what we are working on. He shows me the pile of files. Smiles and tosses me one. "Just make sure everything is all in order. T's crossed. I's dotted. Before we officially file these away."

I hope today won't be too wild.

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