Who are they? (PROLOGUE)

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Scrappy had asked Buds about it the other night, Buds just told her to go back to sleep.. so she did... it's not good to let Buds get angry, maybe she should've waited till morning to ask her.. who cares anyways?

Scrappy was awake most the night, her dream was... strange.

She saw the giant fox from the picture, he looked her dead in the eyes and began speaking. "Find out the tru-" he was quickly cut off by the sound of Kaisers pet dragon, Zion, roaring. He must've not been given enough food.

Scrappy never particularly liked Zion, but Scrappy never particularly liked anyone else. Buds had said some stuff about getting a new pet raccoon, Scrappy hoped that the raccoon would be less disruptive.

Scrappy got out of her bed and went to the kitchen, where she saw the usual setup except there was one extra food bowl, it was pink and had a poorly scratched out name plate on it, sadly, being a raccoon, Scrappy was unable to read the text. She thought back to the pets on the picture. Buds had pink accessories in it, Scrappy remembered the fox with pink accessories, at the very least, she thought it was a fox. It didn't have the normal orange of one, nor the unusual white of one that Buds told her about.

Scrappy just sighed and moved on with her day, walking through the catflap that Buds called the 'Raccoon flap'. Buds should probably remove it, it keeps on drawing in wild animals and none of us like animals. She looked back through the catflap and saw Katie staring back. There was always something up with that baby, than she saw Kaylee walk in the room and quickly walked away from the door. No interaction with Kaylee and Katie ever end well.

Suddenly, a knife flew past Scrappy's head. 'Why do I keep being targeted? I know sometimes I deserve it but I'm literally just spending time outside..'

"Sorry!" A voice from a surprisingly large animal said. "I was just learning how to throw knives... I didn't notice you there!" The animal had a bandana similar to Nife's old one but instead of two knives, it was a single trash can. It also had a similar pattern to the foxes on the picture except a lot different.

"I didn't mean any harm.. I promise!" Seeing how sincere the apology was and how Scrappy didn't know what animal it was, she decided to spare it. She had a heart, even if she never really expressed mercy to dogs. (She sometimes did in private but always would kill them when around Buds. She actually grew slightly fond of the dog by the name of 'Duke' before she and Buds threw him into the woods and beat him up) "Fine. I forgive you."

"Wanna be friends?" Oh great... it was an extroverted animal. "Buds doesn't allow me to be friends with pests" She took satisfaction in hearing the animal whine at her words.

"Oh.. your Buds pet.. my owner used to not allow us to be friends with abusers pets but my friend broke the rules so many times that she deleted the rule!" The animal was getting on her nerves... "Well, I'm Dumpster the... weird looking animal! What's your name?" "I'm Scrappy. Scrappy the raccoon. I don't want to be your friend, okay?"

"Just because your owner doesn't allow you to be my friend doesn't mean we can't be.." Scrappy was really pissed off right now. "Also, I have a question, do you know about your owners past?" Scrappy was caught off guard with this question... she didn't actually know her owners past... "I don't... I don't know..." "Well... I guess that's up to you to figure out by yourself, Scrappy, bye." Dumpster walked away

"Wait—!" Dumpster was a lot faster than her and she saw him run into the forest.. she did not want to risk an encounter with one of the animals she had harmed in the past.

She decided to just go on with her day the way it usually went, she wouldn't want to ruin her schedule.

The days she wasn't out with Buds, she would catch mice outside and than kill them for practice, sometimes she would feed them to Nife, sometimes not. It depends on how she was feeling.

Scrappy noticed some raccoons playing in the garbage. Maybe she could play with them..? 'Wait, no! I can't, that would ruin my fur! Buds is really picky about the condition of my fur...'

I guess she wouldn't join them than. It was a tempting thought but she definitely didn't want to.

Finished: Yes

Edited: No

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