The comeback

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Hello! I wanna start off by thanking you all for reading my story and for all your kind words! I have spent the day rereading the whole thing and all of your comments. I am amazed to find that, more than a year later, you are still here😍 My little lawrusso fic have reached 34k reads and that is craazy! Thank you so much!🙏

I also want to apologize for leaving you all hanging. I got pregnant with my second baby in feb 2022, and simply did not have the time or energy to carry on. However, I never forgot about all of you, and I wanna give the story another go. I am currently on maternity leave, and will be for atleast a year. Hopefully I will find time to update here once in a while.❤️

I also want to apologize for my terrible english at times. Rereading my story, I noticed tons of gramatical mistakes and misspellings. I am from Sweden so english is not my first language. I am doing my best, but checking and
double checking my spelling takes sooo much time haha.

Thanks again for sticking around, and for your interest in a gay antagonist shipping of a 80s movie about boys doing karate😅❤️❤️❤️

Also! Please keep in mind that I am a 25 yo mom with 2 kids, and I don't understand all your comments (emojis and shortenings etc) OMG I feel so fucking old writing this, but I guess I'm not that into all this new internet lingo so just keep that in mind pls😆

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