Chapter 2 - Gym Opening

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3rd Person Pov

Groggy teal eyes opened with the sound of a yawn following after as Zeke woke up from his sleep. He stretched his arms for a bit before getting off his bed and doing 20 pushups to help wake his mind and body then went through his morning routine. 

He changed into a pair of black shorts and a white compression shirt with matching sneakers. Opening his fridge a face of disappointment was now on him as he saw it was empty.

Zeke: 'Right no groceries, I'll just eat out...'

Leaving his living area and going downstairs he saw the large space filled with different large boxes filled with different equipment. It was all workout equipment that he'd have to unpack and put it all together.

Zeke: "Might as well put up just one bench out."

He had ended up setting up an entire smith machine and he felt he put it up in a good amount of time so he moved onto setting up the squat racks, then the leg press machine and just continued. Soon enough the entire gym was set up with the different equipment.

He looked out to the now equipment filled gym with his hands on his waist nodding at his handy work.

Zeke: "Yeah now it's looking like a real gym, now let's do some grocery shopping."

He went back up to his living area so that he could pick up his wallet and a few reusable shopping bag he's had for a long time before heading out. Met with the sunlight Zeke could just smile and take a deep breath of fresh air.

Clerk: "Thanks please come again!"

Zeke: "Have a good day."

The young man had completed his shopping with full shopping bags and was heading back home. On the way he came across the Sugar Cube Corner diner and decided to get something to eat before heading home.

Opening the door a jingle sounded, indicating that Zeke had entered and looked around before hearing a familiar voice call his name.

Pinkie Pie: "Ooh Zeke, over here!"

Looking over to see the bubbly girl seated with her friends the man decided to walk over to them.

Zeke: "Hey girls."

Each of them greeted Zeke as he put thr bags down and slide in to sit on the same side as Applejack and Rarity. The latter taking note of the shopping bags that were seated on the floor.

Rarity: "Never took you as an avid shopper, Zeke dear."

Zeke: "Just some groceries for my place, before promoting the gym."

Rainbow Dash: "How are you going to do that."

After he ordered some food Zeke answered Dash's question.

Zeke: "I'll put up some fliers, got a lot of them so it'll take me a while to get them all up."

Pinkie Pie: "Oh oh I can help!"

The bubbly girl offered jumping up and down causing her chest to follow behind her motion. Zeke's eyes were instinctively drawn to the moving mounds for a moment before refocusing on the food, however the other girls took note of it minus Pinkie.

Applejack: "I can help as well."

Rarity: "Since I don't have any impending due dates for commissions I can lend a hand, dear."

Rainbow Dash: "Meh, sure."

Fluttershy: "I-I have to get some things, sorry."

Zeke: *nodded* "It's fine Flutts. Thanks, girls."

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