Chapter 4 - vs Nightmare Moon

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3rd Person Pov

Nightmare Moon: 'He stopped my attack?'

Everyone still present looked on to see Zeke standing in front of the downed guard and facing Nightmare Moon. The man having a look of distaste on his face as he looked at the tyrant, the guard behind him still shivering from seeing his life flash before his eyes.

Zeke: "I don't think a Princess of the land would give off killing intent like that towards her own people, you a fraud or something?"

Twilight: "That's Nightmare Moon and she took Princess Celestia!"

She then seemed to notice something and glared at him with curiosity.

Nightmare Moon: "You... What are you?"

Zeke simply stuck his tongue out at her in a mocking way before walking up closer to her as she also closed the gap.

Rainbow Dash: "We can't leave Zeke to deal with her alone!"

Rarity: "While I agree, I'm not sure if we even can..."

Nightmare Moon then felt something on her lips to then recognize the taste of iron and reached up with her free hand to wipe them before then looking at her hand to see blood. Meanwhile Zeke's hand was outstretched before he backfisted her face at a blinding speed, fair to say everyone was flabbergasted at how quickly he disproved their doubts.

Zeke: "You guys get some distance."

Nightmare Moon immediately back stepped a large distance as she wiped her nose of the blood. 

Nightmare Moon: "He's name was Zeke?-"

She then felt her back bump into something to she turned to see Zeke right behind her.

Zeke: "Yep., that's me. Nice to meet you."

He then threw a spinning kick which was blocked by her scythe which had fixed itself from it's broken state. She then turned and slashed at him taking off the roof of a building as Zeke dodged. 

Closing the distance she slashed around at him, seeing this Zeke covered his hands in magical energy then deflected the attacks. Seeing an opening he kicked the side of her front knee then followed it up with another punch to her face, she slashed diagonally upwards that he ducked under.

Zeke then lightly placed his index and middle finger just below her breast then landed a one inch punch that barreled the fallen ruler through multiple buildings.

Zeke: 'Crap I got carried away! I'll finish this with minimal damage to the town-'

He couldn't think anymore as magic was fired at him catching him off guard. Raising the concern of the girls from the side, tense at watching the exchange.

Nightmare Moon: "Don't space out. It might be lethal for you. Aha hahaha!"

Zeke: "You even laugh like a supervillain, gimme a break."

Stunned to see the young man not worse for wear she nearly missed Zeke rush in with magic in hand ready to fire at her. Nightmare Moon spun her weapon to disperse the attacks but Zeke didn't slow down and went through his own attack to drop kick her but she blocked with a high kick.

Zeke twirled to try and get the other kick on her but she spun with him and met his shin with hers. Stepping back she dug up the ground with her scythe to make a smokescreen before she fired a wave at him sending the fighter back into another building.

He immediately got out the building and saw that Nightmare Moon was charging straight at him to which they clashed in the middle. Immediately spinning around to cleave Zeke's head off but he ducked under the scythe before backflipping out of the way of Moon's follow up kick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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