𝟎𝟓𝟓, built up anger!

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Estella sat at the playground, her legs dangling from the jungle gym. the weather was nice. it wasn't cold, but it wasn't too hot either. it was just neutral, she enjoyed it. it had been two days since she spoke to daryl, or anybody for that matter. she was only young, so she didn't really know how to deal with her emotions.

instead of dealing with her emotions healthily, she just got angry until it all went away. she dealt with sadness by replacing it with anger, rebellion. it wasn't like her to be so angry, she didn't like it, but she couldn't change it, either. she felt shitty, though. a bunch of things were just floating around in her head.

she looked up to see louise skipping her way, with a look on her face that estella had never seen portrayed on her face before. it was a secretive look. usually, louise would yell in greeting. this time, she didn't. she climbed up the ladders to the jungle gym and sat next to estella, dangling her feet in the same way.

"hey, i was thinking about something and i didn't know who to ask. i could've asked ruby, but i knew she wouldn't do it." louise said, making estella furrow her eyebrows.

"what do you want to do?" estella asked.

"sneak out." louise said, before looking down to her shoes. "i have something important that i need to do, and i don't want to go alone."

"what's the important thing?" she questioned.

"well, before we came here, i didn't have time to grab any stuff. i lost my dad on the way here, and i don't have anything to remember him by. i just wanna go back to my house. it's not far from here, and i just wanna check if there's any pictures of him in my house that i can grab."

"you realise your house has probably been ransacked, right?" estella replied, looking off into the distance.

"yeah, the food and stuff. maybe old clothes, but who's going to want to steal family pictures? please, estella. you're my only hope." louise almost begged.

estella sighed. there was one good thing about estella, which also morphed into a bad thing at the same time. she was always willing to help the people she loved, even if it meant it was dangerous. if it meant she could get hurt, or die.

she knew the idea wasn't a good one, but louise had been her friend this past couple of weeks, and been good to her. estella knew how it felt to lose a dad, and if she could get a picture of her dad, that would make her the happiest person ever. so, she understood how much it would mean to louise.

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