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It had been a good few months with toby and jschlatt already seemed to of gained a sence of protectiveness over the other. Jschlatt had been trying to find some sort of information about the newborn baby but was givin one thing. He liked bees. Bees? BEES? Jschlatt groaned but tested this theory.

They went to the store. Toby sitting in his arms with a hand held basket in his hands as they wondered the store. Toby made grabby hands to every single bee based you he saw including cloths, toys and even pacifiers. Let's just say he waisted 100 bucks that day on buying bee based toys.


a few months pass and jschlatt decited he'd celebrate his birthday with toby instead of trying to beg for dates yet again. Buying a cake for each, candles and even small streamers to hang on the walls. Bee themed cake bee themed candles bee themed everything for the baby

Jschlatt was glad he was able to do this with the little money he made but honestly it was so worth it. He invited philza, not expecting a reply due to the fact he hadn't talked to the man sence highschool yet he felt it was a great idea to invite a old friend.

He hadn't expected philza to actually show up let alone come with gifts for Toby and himself. "Phil.." he mummbled confused when he opened the door to see philza holding his own newborn, willbur who was standing idly next to him holding his twins hand and Kristin who waved lightly. "We obviously couldn't miss this day" Kristin reminded and hugged jschlatt who for the first time in months sheed a tear.

He allowed the others to enter moveing to wake toby from his nap. Philza frowned as the first thing he noticed with the apartment is the lack of much for toby let alone for jschlatt. The group gathered in the kitchen as jschlatt brought toby from the bedroom who seemed to happily look at the group and philza sat Tommy, his new born. On the play mat with toby who both happily played. Philza had willbur and techno sit with the boys as Jschlatt grabbed a lighter for later and sat it by the cakes before takeing a gentle sigh and explained the story to the group who now understood the circumstances.

Soon the kids returned and they sang, ate cake and honestly the night was enjoyable. Philza promised jschlatt to return soon to assist with items needed for toby who was thankful.


Jschlatt was not ready for what came with being a dad though when he finally had to change diapers.

He was unaware of the mess, the crying, and everything else that came with babies needing changes let alone if they actually needed to use the bathroom or if it was really a issue revolving just wanting to cry.

Jschlatt new from that day on he'd be calling Kristen if he needed assistance with changes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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