Chapter 9

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Ilyssa's  POV /TW: minor hints at zoophilia and choking

Demon left, but he sounded mad. Was he mad at me? "Did I make daddy mad?" I find myself saying out loud but I soon realize what I just said,out loud, in front of Thalia. "No hun you didn't, he just has to go do something real quick" Thalia says but that doesn't make me feel better. "Pwomise?" I ask, slipping deeper into my headspace. "He'll try" she promised. "Now lets, um, get you eating dinner" Thalia says unsure. She helps me onto a chair and hands me some chopsticks and a plate of yummy looking sushi. I try and pick it up with the chopsticks but these things are too confusing. Thalia notices that I can't use the chopsticks, so she gets up and says, "I'll get you a fork" she says and leaves to the kitchen. After five seconds I decided the sushi looks too good and I'm too hungry to wait. Instead I grab the sushi with my hands and putting it in my mouth. It taste delicious, I keep eating and then I see the soy sauce. I try to grab it but I tip it over and it makes a big mess which scares me and I accidentally flip my plate making a bigger mess. Thalia walks in and sees what I did, she sighs and walks back into the kitchen.

Thalia came back with a towel and wiped off the apparent big mess on my face. After that she told me to go watch TV in the living room. I quickly ran to the living room giggling. I found the remote and turned on a cartoon about this blue dog and her sister. I loved this cartoon so much when I used to watch it. Back before my dad found out I was a little. Before my mom died. Before my life became a hellhole. These thoughts made tears fall down my face and I went to Thalia. I tug on her skirt to get her attention while shes wiping the table. "Yes Ilyssa?" she asks me. "I wan caw daddy" I say while giving her the puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry Ilyssa but Demon's a bit busy at the moment and we can't interrupt him" she says making more tears go down my face. "Nu is not faiw I wan by daddy!" I say angrily. "And he's busy right now and we can't bother him" Thalia says annoyed. I growl a little and I feel like I'm about to shift, then maybe if I bite Thalia she'll let me call daddy. 

Thalia picks me up which catches me by surprise. "It's time for bed, your daddy said to tuck you in if he wasn't back now" Thalia says. "NU!" I yell and jump out of her arms and land on my arm. That really hurt but I couldn't wait for Thalia to pick me up again. "Ilyssa don't do that that's very dangerous!" Thalia yells. "NU! Oo pwomisd daddy woudw tak wong! Oo bwok oo pwomis!" I yell back at her. Before she can respond I shift into my wolf form and run. Luckily one of the windows was open so I jumped out. I landed and my arm or now leg hurt even more. I couldn't think about that though, if Thalia wasn't gonna let me talk to daddy , then I would find him myself.

I sniffed and picked up on daddy's scent trail. I followed it but also smelled another smell from behind me. It was Thalia, she was running after me. No problem though she'll never be as fast as me. I'm the fastest wolf ever! I keep running and daddy's scent seemed to move to me! He's coming to find me and I can jump in his arms. I run faster following the stream of scent flowing through the forest. But there's another smell that I seem familiar with. It's close but so is daddy's. I guess I can go check out the familiar scent to see what it is and find daddy later. It's close. I eventually get to the source of the scent, and then my memory comes back to me. I try to run but it's too late, he grabs me and pins me down.

"My my it's a little wolf pup" says the creepy man that was at the party where daddy found me. I growl and try and bite him but he has a suffocating grip on my throat. "You must be alone, you'd make a great pet you know" he says with an evil grin. Daddy's scent is close but I don't think he'll make it before I run out of air. If I shift back to my human form I might be able to escape his grip. But that would leave me defenceless. "My clients would surely love a wolf pup to play with" he says as he tightens his grip more. I have no choice but to shift back if I want to get out of here. I shift back and I realize what situation I'm in. I'm on the ground naked with the man's hand on my chest. The man just laughs. "So it is you, the freak that escaped my grasp" he says darkly. "Jus wet me go!" I scream at him. "Oh now why would I do that, if you really are a child then it would be irresponsible to let you go" he says moving his knee onto my leg which hurts a lot. But thankfully he's pushed off by something big, it's daddy! 

He's in his wolf form snarling at the creepy man. I try and scoot to daddy so I can cling to him but it all hurts so much. It's hard to breathe and my leg hurts so much where the man pressed his knee down. Daddy shifts back and picks me up. "I should fucking kill you right now" daddy says quietly to the man. "And what then, hm? Your dad loses the head of one of his most successful businesses?" the man says with a sneer. "You think your dad would let you keep that thing if you did? No" he says coldly. "If you touch her again, I will make sure to make it a most painful death" daddy growls. "You should really thank me for finding it, and keeping it here for you to find" the creepy man  says. I could feel daddy's grip tighten every time he called me an it. "I'll be off now, see you tomorrow partner" the creepy man says disappearing into the shadowy forest.

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