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Lizzy's Point of View


Family isn't just blood. Family can be chosen, too. A mix of both is what I enjoy most. It's the annual tradition that my mom started a couple of years ago. My mom, dad, and I spend our Thanksgiving with the team. Most of the time, the players can't go home for Thanksgiving, so we have dinner together.

"Do you need help with anything, hunny?" I was setting the table in the dining room. It's a huge table, it fits everyone on the team.

"No, everything's almost done." My mom says. They've been getting along better recently and dad has been spending more time at home. I don't live with my parents, but I do visit a lot.

"I finished setting the table." I've been doing it since I was 7, I begged my mom to let me. She taught me how, and ever since then, I've done it.

One night, we were eating Mcdonald's for dinner and I set the table. That was the only time I ate Mcdonald's on a glass plate with a fork.

"Liz, honey, what time is it?" My mom asks from the kitchen. I pull my phone out of the pocket of my jeans.

"5:47." I say. Dinner is at six. For some reason, I'm nervous. I'm usually never nervous for this dinners, these people are family to me.

Maybe it's because of a certain blonde haired, blue eyed right winger who happens to be the alternate captain for my dad's hockey team. Before I have time to prepare, that certain NHL player walks through my parents' front door.

Fight or flight kicked in, I flew.

I hear his conversation with my parents from the hallway. "It's good to see you, Mrs. Keefe." He says. I can hear his smile through his voice.

"Not been getting into too many fights, hun?" My mom calls everyone hun, and when she talks to them, she either has her hand on their arm or their cheek.

"No ma'am, I've been doing pretty good so far. I can't make any promises, though." He says. John comes in next, I can tell by his voice.

"Mrs. Keefe! How's my favorite lady?" He asks.

"Everything's good with me, hun. How are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking." He says. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Everything is all done, thank you." She says.

"Mrs. Keefe, how are you?" That's Auston. I can tell by the way the laughter and happy atmosphere switched.

"I'm good, Auston. How are you?" I think it's pretty amusing how well my mom gives the cold shoulder to people. She does it in a way the other person doesn't even realize it's happening to them.

"I'm good, Mrs. Keefe." I'm still hiding, trying to control my nerves. My phone vibrates in my pocket. I thank my past self for putting it that why so no one else can hear it.

mitch marner

are you here yet?

well, you have to be considering
your car is outside

upstairs, looking at my
old bedroom

I quickly, but quietly run it upstairs to my old room. It is still exactly how I left it. A one direction poster on the wall, no frame either. A Speak Now album cover on the wall, too.

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