Let's get invisible

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*Song begins*  In an ordinary sofa, in an ordinary room, are extraordinary heroes, who are standing by to zoom! To wherever they're needed, they're speeding out today- The Numberjacks are on their way! They'll help with your problems, they're waiting for you call, no problem is too big for them, no problem is too small. Things may all be going wrong, but you can bet it's not for long, the Numberjacks are on their way! The Numberjacks are on their way. *Song ends*

*We cut to Four walking into the Gym and zoom onto Four*

???: OOOOOOHHHH! Look Four! I'm invisible!

Four: *Chuckles* No you're not Three. *Cut to Three sitting on Six's Buddy Blocks* I can see you up on Six's Buddy Blocks.

Three: Aaaaawwww. *Cut to Three up high looking down at Four* I wanted to be invisible.

Four: Well you did give me quite a scare. *Cut to Four looking up at Three*

Three: *Cuts back to previous camera angle* I wonder what it's like being invisible.

*Alarm Rings* Four: No time to answer that question, the alarm is going off! Come on Three!

Three: *Jumps down from Six's Buddy Blocks*

*Cut to everyone in the control room*

Four: Things are going wrong.

Three: But not for long Four.

*Cuts to the screens*

Agent 11: *Chimes in* Agent Eleven here. Some things are going missing at the beach.

*Cuts to Five at the stand.*

Five: The Beach? That's an odd place for things to go missing.

*Cuts to Six and Three*

Six: Come on Three! We need to find out what's happening.

*Song begins* Here's our problem we need to fix. Who's going out there? Three and Six! *Song ends*

*Cuts to the launch room*

Five: Ready for launching!

*Three and Six get launched up into the air*

Three and Six: Wwweee!

*Cuts to a beach*

Three and Six: Yaaaahooo!

*The two of them land in the sand*

Three: That was fun!

Six: *Lifts up his head with a mouth full of sand* Says you. I got sand in my mouth! *Spits out sand*

*The two of them get up*

Six: Come on Three we gotta find- *Trips* Waaahhooo! *Lands back on his face* OOOFF!

Three: Are you okay six?

*Cuts to Six with his face back in the sand*

Six: *Lifts his head back up* Yeah. *Gets up again* Thanks for checking. What did I trip over?

*Cuts to sand*

Three: Nothing.

Six: Nothing?! *Cuts to Six and Three* Are you sure? I couldn't have tripped over nothing!

Three: Maybe sand?

Six: *Touches were he tripped* Wait. There's a rock!

*Cuts back to the screen*

Agent 100: Agent One hundred here. Maybe the rock's there and you can't see it.

*Cuts back to Three and Six*

Let's get invisibleWhere stories live. Discover now