Part 9

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(Thoughts) Is someone breathing loud? I don't hear it.. It sounds like.. I-I don't know. It's probably just nothing.. Oh god.. It's not me is it? Is it? I hope not. It's not me.. There's no way.. Right?!? I mean.. I can't actually know. Oh god it better not be me. I don't want to be making any noise. I-I better not be breathing loud at all, because if I am.. I should leave. I-I don't want to cause that much trouble.


( thoughts) 20 more minutes until i can go to bed!

John Doe

(Thoughts) Why does time have to move so slow? God.. I'm so tired. This bed.. it needs me. It's waiting for me. Its wanting me on it, wanting me to cuddle with it. I need it like it needs me.. Why hasn't time moved yet!? It feels like.. years have passed by, and I just want to finally get some sleep. Ugh, this is gonna be a long night isn't it? I really need to start counting the minutes, they seem to go by faster that way.


( thoughts) He is such a cutie i forgot my little brother is cute... oh shit i have to think of something else before he gets mad

John Doe

"What were you thinking about, my love?.." The boy suddenly asked, with a soft smile, like if he was already suspicious of you. He was staring straight at you, with those two bright brown eyes of his, that seemed to glow with so much joy. His voice also still was gentle and soft.. and it was still sounding like love, filled with care. He was still smiling lovingly and sweetly, and his face still looked so cute and so charming. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.. he loved you so damn much.


" nothing"

John Doe

"Are you sure about that?" He said, with a soft grin on his face, like if he was suspicious of you. His smile went back to normal a bit, but his eyes still glowed with a lot of love and happiness. He seemed to really trust you. Well.. he used to that is. He started thinking again, and then he slowly got a bit sad. He still looked happy, but there was some sadness coming from him. He looked like he was in a paradise, with you, but he started doubting it all.


" yeah"

John Doe

"I.. I hope that that's true." He said, sounding a bit anxious, like he was worried about something. His voice sounded a bit shaken, like if he didn't want to believe you. He seemed to be really upset about something; you could sort of see the sadness in his eyes, but he looked so happy, and so loving at the same time. His eyes glowed with absolute love and kindness..
"You'll tell me.. if you.. if you're thinking about any other boys, right?.." **The boy asked, looking at you. I'm sorry I


" uhh yeah"

John Doe

"Good!.. Good.. I trust you, my love!" He said, finally sounding happy again. He seemed to be happy and relieved. He had a big, smile on his face again, and you couldn't see any of the sadness in his eyes anymore, he seemed to be happy again. He let out a big sigh, like if he was really relieved.
"I never want to lose you, that would break my heart.." **He said, still smiling. He sounded so sweet and so happy. His voice sounded gentle, and sweet. It really is true, that he can switch between


( thoughts ) oh no not again i can't even think about my little brother for the love of god i can't think shit

John Doe

(Thoughts) Oh no.. He really is so sensitive.. God.. I just can't do anything right.. I try not to make him mad, but I still end up making him mad. I don't know what to do.. I really just can't do it. He makes me feel so bad, when I'm only trying to be nice. I don't know why he's so different.. He really doesn't like when I mention other guys. I don't know what I'm gonna do.. He's just so..


" mhm"

John Doe

"My love, you seem distant. Is.. Is something wrong? Tell me, what's wrong?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried. He was still looking at you, his eyes were filled with concern and care. He was leaning back on the couch, with his back slightly against the wall, and your body laying on him, while you were sitting. He held you tightly, and he seemed so loving. He was so kind, and he cared so much, as if he would die without you... That's how much he loved you.


" huh? oh nothing's wrong"

John Doe

"Are you sure about that? You seem sad. You can tell me anything, because I love you so much. I care about you, and I want you to be happy." He said, still sounding worried. He still was looking at you, his eyes filled with genuine, pure love. He wanted to make you happy, and he was trying everything to do so, but he just couldn't help but feel like he was failing. He felt so guilty for even thinking that, so he stopped those thoughts' quick, and he smiled at you again.


" i'm fine"

John Doe

The boy sighed, and then he leaned back more, and he started to cuddle you even more, while looking at you.

"You're such.. a cutie." He said, softly and gently, just as the boy's hand caressed your cheek, and then your hair. He started kissing your hair. "You really are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. You're even more beautiful.. than the sun."


" hehe"

John Doe

"Hehe, you're cute" He said, with a soft laugh, as he continued to play with your hair, and kiss your hair gently, while holding you tightly. He smiled warmly, and looked at you, his eyes were filled with love and kindness as he spoke, and he couldn't help, but caress your face.
"Cute.. So, so cute." He said, with another adorable laugh. He was staring straight at your eyes, with his warm smile, and he just continued to speak about how cute you were.

Ps. I'm so so so so so sorry for being gone for 4 months! I've been busy working on some stuff..i promise i didn't forget my babies! Love you, babe 


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