Chapter 1

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Ella's POV:

It was just a typical day in the office at JBM it was currently raining outside in the lovely city of New York. I was working at my desk on my computer when my boss asked to see me. Now let me tell you about my boss his name is Ted he is in his late 30s and is a bitchy old guy that I don't think anyone should mess with. He is mostly worse when it comes to me since I'm his assistant and have to do almost everything for him because he a lazy old hag. Anyways after I was summoned to see my witch of a boss, I walked to his office and as I knocked on the door, I heard him screaming at I assume someone on his phone. I knocked three times on his door.

" Sir?" No answer was to be heard from behind the door. 

Well, he must be deaf or just does not hear me knocking so I ended up knocking louder than before so his old ass could hear me. 

"Come in!" I heard him yell.

I silently said a quick prayer and then walked into his office. 

"Well, well, well, it's about time you showed up Mrs. Day." 

"Sir I was knocking but you did not hear me the first time, so I had to knock louder the second time. I'm so sorry sir." I told him while looking down at my feet scared of what he might do. 

" Enough with the fucking excuses. Now I called you in here because in a few hours, we have a very important man coming to JBM, and I need my schedule clear for the rest of the day and for you to make sure when he gets here that no one is to bother me and him while we are having a meeting. Got it?" 

"Yes, got it, sir." 

" Now since you took so long earlier to come to my office you get a punishment." He said to me with an evil smirk.

" No, sir I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again," I begged him. 

"Aw, poor little miss Ella you aren't so strong after all. Sorry not going to cut it you just don't seem to understand that I take my job seriously and since you seem to not care and attend to my needs fast enough you deserve a punishment to learn to never do it again." 

I was scared of what he was going to do next, so I slowly started to back up and he keep taking steps towards me soon my back met the wall. 

"Did you think you could get away so easily?" 

"I, um, no..." 

The next thing I feel is a burning sensation in my cheek because his bitch ass slapped me in the face. 

" You son of a bitch!" I yelled at him. 

I then turned towards the door and bolted out before he could do anything else to me. As I was running, I bumped into a rock-hard chest but as I thought I was about to fall on my ass I felt a rather large hand wrap around my waist. I looked up into these dark-looking eyes staring down at me. I can just imagine what I look like a crying mess with a handprint on my cheek from my bitch ass boss. 

"I'm so sorry sir." I stuttered out. 

"No, it's okay. Hey, are you okay? You're crying and your cheek is red what happened?"

"I'm fine, just having a rough day is all..." 

"Oh, um can you direct me to your boss's office?" 

"That way." I pointed behind me to the door that I just ran out of. 

"Thank you..." He said with a questionable look like he was waiting for something.

"Oh, Mrs. Day well you can call me Ella," I said with a low voice. 

"Well, thank you Ella my name is Mr. Cole but you can call me James since we are on a first-name basis." He explained to me in a deepish voice. 

After the little incident, he walked past me and into Ted's office so I assume the guy that we were supposed to be waiting on and keeping watch for was for him. I forgot that I had to clear my boss's schedule for the rest of the day because of this special meeting he had going on. So that's what I did I went to my desk which is close to his office and made some calls to tell them to cancel his appointments and other meetings going on for the rest of the day. I also remembered that he told me I had to make sure no one disturbed him while they were having their meeting so now I'm basically on watch out for people. 


I hope you liked the first part of my story and there are definitely more parts to come but they might be a little slow on updating because I have a busy schedule. Please leave a comment on ideas, vote, and give my story alike. I'm not used to writing yet but I'm working to become better at it so please show some love to me and my writing. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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