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I feel like my interview actually went pretty well! It could also be the fact that my brother is on the team, but now I'm just supposed to meet the players and if that goes well I'll have the job!


jackhughes started following you 2 minutes ago.

"What? Who's that" I say aloud to myself.


twinenem 😊😊🤞

dawson who is jack hughes

Do you even listen to anything I say.

I already told you that's one of my teammates.

oh sorry

he started following me so I got curious

oh he did?

yea why?

Nothing I brought u up today but I didn't think he'd follow u

can I know what was said about me?

Just that you're my sister and that you're the smart one in the family


Don't make me say it again.


he just dmed me.

Idk what you want me to do about that

I roll my eyes and open my dms

jackhughes a Columbia girl?

harlowmercer yes

jackhughes Dawson told me you're the chill sister    

harlowmercer usually I am, just not when strangers are in my dms

jackhughes so Dawson didn't tell you about me? im offended

harlowmercer sorry to break it to u

jackhughes so what do you study?

harlowmercer journalism I really want to be a writer

jackhughes that's sick maybe you could write a book about me

harmowmercer yeah for sure 😐

jackhughes mmm you will one of these days


unlikely ; jack hughesWhere stories live. Discover now