SS1: episode one! Accidental spook and a new friend!!

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(Accidental spook and a new friend! )

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You floated all the way over to the neighborhood, You were pretty nervous though as you knew you were a ghost and everyone is afraid of them. 'Am I gonna be invisible to them or not?-' You're thoughts had been cut off as you spotted a very cute shop built with blue bricks with some yellow, red, and green ones added to them.

You don't know what the other stuff its made of is called due to memory loss, But you found the shop appealing!

You don't know what the other stuff its made of is called due to memory loss, But you found the shop appealing!

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(if it's bad quality im beating the fucking shit out of Wattpad.)

You float over to the shop and phase through the wall, Only your head and your torso showing as you looked around cautiously. It looked like a normal shop But to you? It looked beautiful, Like, What are these weirdly shaped red things with a green thing sticking out of them?

What are these triangle or rectangle thingies that say's 'Chocolate??.. What a silly word!' You thought happily, Smiling as you went into the store still floating in the air. You then saw a tall man with multiple hands... Woah!! You wish you had that many arms!

He didn't seem to see you as he was doing whatever the hell shopkeepers do. He seemed to enjoy his job and what he was doing. You then walked or whatever ghosts do to move over to the counter, Inspecting the man closely. 

He wore a blue striped shirt with a light yellow collar (?) a yellow apron and a red tie. He also had a weirdly shaped head and cool blue hair. You also thought his ears were cool!  He also had green skin which didn't bother you at all.

You waved your hands at him and he didn't react at all. 'Woah im invisible!... Wait can I pick up stuff?' You thought, Looking at the weird red thing laying on the counter just waiting there to be picked up. And so you grabbed it and inspected it.

"Wowzers.." You said as you admired every detail of the apple. Howdy heard you and looked up from the counter just to see a floating apple. The poor skyscraper was startled. He yelped and backed up which resulted in him hitting the wall behind him. "Ow!!" He whimpered as he slouched and rubbed his pack.

You felt bad and dropped the apple in response. You also covered your mouth to avoid spooking him even more. You wanted to ask if he was alright but you decided not to as you felt guilt washing over to you. "Oh dear, What was that?!" He said worryingly as he looked over the counter to see the apple you had dropped.

You looked down at it as well and back at him again. You decided to be kind and pick it up and give it to him. And so you grabbed the apple again spooking the guy again making his eyes widen and hiding down his counter.

You giggled, Seeing someone as tall as he scared of a floating apple. Jeez, are people this sensitive? "Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt ya, No worries!" You gingerly said as you floated up in the air to go over the counter hanging upside down. You then read the guy who was scared for his life nametag. "Howdy? What a nice name!"

You wanted him to see you as he looked even more scared. Out of nowhere he snapped his head towards you and screamed out of fear. "AAAAAAAAA-" You placed your finger onto his oddly soft lips and he shut up. "Woah there buddy I mean no harm!! No need to scream!!" You said reassuringly as you released your finger and sighed in relief.

"Y-you're a g-g-ghost!!" He stammered as he looked at you in fear. You saddened your expression. "Gee Golly, Im sorry I spooked ya stranger! I just woke up in a forest and got lost... So I can leave if you'd want if it would respect your boundaries!!" (respectful reader <3)

Howdy seemed to calm down a bit and you got back behind the counter, Fiddling with your fingers. "h...How in the world can I see you?..." He asked, Looking at you with confusion and a bit of fear.

"Uhhh I dunno?" You replied, Looking at the apple in front of you which you call the 'Red thing with weird green thing on it!'. "Say... What is this weird Red thing with the green thing on it?" You said as you poked it.

Howdy seemed confused and amused. He chuckled, "Well it's what we call an apple! It's edible but we puppets can't eat stuff so we just use it for inspiration to draw until it's bad or something..." He explained.

"Woah!! That's cool!!" You giggled as you put both hands on your cheeks (get yo mind outta the gutter.) while looking at it as if you saw a famous person in front of you. You were also happy because you had befriended someone!!

 You were also happy because you had befriended someone!!

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^WORDS: 887^

!! Acheivement unlocked !!

^ First friend!! ^





'He's neutral with you. He thinks you are kinda sketchy but you'll get him to warm up to you soon as he thinks you are kinda cute and childish.'

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