Chapter 3

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Person third pov

It's been a few days since Lizzie came to this neighborhood. Wally has been taking care of her, making sure she eats well and gets plenty of rest. Once she had little bit of strength to get up and walk around. Wally started to show her around his home so she can feel comfortable living here. Right now he is showing her the room where he likes to do his painting.

Wally:this is where I like to do my painting. When I have nothing to do, I like to paint my ideas and thoughts. Have a look around.

Lizzie went inside and she was amazed how beautiful these paintings are. She even likes the one that is a painting of the field full of flowers.m

Lizzie:wow, this one looks so beautiful, Wally

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Lizzie:wow, this one looks so beautiful, Wally.

He walks over to her standing next to her.

Wally:ah, yes. I painted this a few weeks ago. It helps me relax whenever I see a field of flowers.

Lizzie:I always wanted to see a flower field someday, if I ever have to chance.

Wally thinks and gets an idea that will make her happy.

Wally:if you want...I can take you there one day. I know a place that was flower field.

Lizzie looks at him eye widened hearing what he said and she was happy of that idea.

Lizzie:really? You would do that for me?

Wally:well your my new friend and I would do anything to make you happy. If you want to see them, I'll take you there one day.

Lizzie was happy of that idea and she hugs him.

Lizzie:oh thank you so much! I don't know what to say but thank you!

Then she hugs him. Wally frozen for a bit cause this was all new to him cause he has never been hugged before and he doesn't know what to do. His eyes got wide and he suddenly goes limp like a rag doll. Lizzie got scared of what happened to Wally and she thought she did something wrong.

Lizzie:oh my gosh! Wally are you ok? Wally!

She shakes him for a bit and he was back to normal.

Wally:huh? Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you darling. It's just...I've never hugged before and I don't know what to do when I get hugged.

Lizzie:oh, well it's easy. Here, let me help.

She grabs his both arms and puts it around her.

Lizzie:you just wrap your arms around me like this and I will do the same.

She hugs him and again and Wally tries not to go limp again and he starts to hug her. When he hugged her, she feels warm and kind and caring and he wanted to stay like this forever and never let her go. They broke the hug and look at each other.

Lizzie:see that wasn't so bad now, was it?

He was blushing a little and nodded that he likes the hug. They continue to look at all the different paintings around and they all look amazing and beautiful. There was one that was covered by a white sheet. Lizzie walks over and grab the sheet.

Lizzie:hey Wally, why is this one covered?

Before she can pull it off, Wally grabs her wrist stopping her from pulling the cover off.

Wally:it just something that I have been working on darling. It's not finished.


He was glad that she didn't continue on and they walk out of the room. He looks back at the painting is covered by the sheet one last time and he closes the door. They were at the living room now finally finishing the tour of the home. Wally also introduced home to her, which caught her by surprise when she saw the window has cartoon like eyes. She calmed down when Wally told her that it's nice, which home makes creeks from the cabinets and floors. She was able to understand some of what it said.

Wally:oh Lizzie, what do you think? Do you feel comfortable of your surroundings of my home?

She nodded cause she feels more safe living here. She also has more trust for Wally, cause of how more he helped her to make her feel better again.

Lizzie:I love it, Wally. Your home is very nice and comfortable to live.

Wally:that's great to hear, darling. You think you will be even more comfortable to meet the neighbors?

She stops smiling, scared to new people and that scared her. So many questions pop in her head.

Lizzie's thoughts:I don't know if I'm ready to meet the others. What if there not friendly like Wally? What if they don't like me? Will they be disgusted of how I look?

So many questions and she is afraid of what will happen. She then feels a hand place on her shoulder and she turns to Wally giving her a comfort smile.

Wally:don't worry about what they think of how you look. I'm sure they will all love you of how you are. I love how you look, yours very special and unique. So don't think too much of it. So what do you say?

She thinks of what he said. Maybe she is overreacting a bit bit, cause she not used to be around people cause she has trust issues ever since that incident. But she wants to give them a chance and try to makes with some of them at least.

Lizzie:ok...I'll give it a try.

Wally:wonderful! I'll go make the invitations for a picnic at the park tomorrow!

He left to go make some invitations for his neighbors while Lizzie is still at the living room. Home makes creek noises seeing if she was ok of meeting the neighbors.

Lizzie:don't worry home. I'll be fine, I mean I know I have difficult trust issues. But I can't judge them if I never met them. I trust Wally of what he says, I mean how bad can meeting the neighbors be.

With that she left to the kitchen to make something sweet for the neighbors for a special greeting and a new friendship. She hopes that tomorrow will be a fine day at least.

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