Chapter 6

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Charlie's POV

My morning started earlier than I would've liked.

Around 5AM a loud thud interrupted my sleep and I shot out of my bed on high alert. I was confused and had no clue where the sound came from. The thud sounded again and I realized it was coming from my door.

Who the hell was at my door this early in the morning?

I walked closer to the door and I heard a small giggle from the other side.

Was someone messing with me?

I swung the door open quickly and 2 bodies fell into my room. I jumped out of the way and tried to take in what was happening.

Riley was laying on top of that same girl from last night on my floor. Clearly they were having some sort of make out session against my door and that's what woke me up.

Riley looked up into my eyes with an amused expression. I glared down at her. What a bitch!

Riley got up and the other girl scrambled to her feet. She looked embarrassed......... Riley on the other hand looked like she could care less that she interrupted my sleep.

"I'm so sorry!" The girl directed at me then she looked at Riley blushing. "I....I'm gonna go! Call me." Then she basically ran out of the room leaving Riley and I alone.

Riley walked over to my desk and was looking at something.

I took a second to steady my emotions while glaring at my arch nemesis. Riley had on a black sports bra and a pair of running shorts leaving most of her body exposed. She is beautiful.......straight girls can acknowledge when a woman is hot too...... or is it because I li.......

The thought reignited my anger at her. "How about you throw girls against your own door." I said angrily to her.

She spun around and grinned and it made me even angrier.

"Won't happen again." She raised her hands in mock surrender but her amused expression was still on her face. This cocky bitch.

"It's not funny. How would you feel if I woke you up at 5 AM?." I pouted crossing my arms.

"Depends....... What are you waking me up for?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively.

I scoffed then walked towards her "get out!" I shoved her backwards a little until she was standing in the doorway.

"Charlie chill. I'm sorry!"

"Whatever Riley." I started closing the door but her hand stopped it. "What?"

"I just wanted to tell you that your Cookie Monster pajamas are adorable." Her golden eyes looked down at my overlarge shirt, that had a massive Cookie Monster on it with google eyes that moved..........

I felt my face flush. "Oh god." I groaned then closed the door in a laughing Riley's face.

She's the worst.

I walked across the room to my bed and sat down. My sore muscles aching at every movement.

How does Riley even have the energy? I want to roll over and sleep for 10 more hours. I couldn't imagine trying to participate in sex right now.......

6 uninterrupted hours later I was ready for the team lunch. Riley was supposed to come get me seeing as I had no clue where the lunch was being held. Hopefully she's not late.

I chose a pair of high waisted jeans and a form fitting black top that tucked into my pants. I straightened my hair which took forever without Casey's help and I put on mascara and eyeliner seeing as that's all I know how to do.

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