Chapter 11

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Charlies POV:

Noah stood in the hallway, his eyes moving back and forth between Riley and I. I told him I was studying then he found me in his sisters room. This looks bad.

Without a word he turned and walked down the hallway. It wasn't till he was about 10 steps away that I found my voice.

"Noah wait!" I called after him. I jogged down the hallway until I stood behind him.

He turned around and looked at me with a blank stare.

"Nothing happened Noah." I said desperately.

Noah shook his head and looked at the ground. "No explanation needed Charlie. It's my fault really. We never said this was an exclusive thing." He motioned between us still avoiding my eyes.

"Noah please. Riley and I are just friends." I said grabbing his hand in mine.

"Friends don't look at each other the way you two did at the party." He said calmly pulling his hand from mine.

I opened and closed my mouth unable to find my words again.

"Charlie it's okay."

I shook my head. "It's not okay because nothing happened." I said crossing my arms.

"Okay. So nothing happened...... but did you want something to?"

Did I want something to happen between Riley and I? I mean I've almost kissed her a few times now...... but how could he ask me that?

"You don't have to answer Charlie. I have eyes." He shrugged. "I really hoped we could work this out though. I really care about you."

"I care about you too Noah. I've always wanted this!" I reached for his hands again. He didn't pull away this time.

"This is college. We should be having fun. Not forcing something that clearly isn't working." He shook his head again.

Finally his golden eyes met mine. The eyes that usually radiated warmth and brightness were dark and sullen. It was actually heart breaking seeing him so sad.

There's no denying that the distance has not been kind to our relationship. But everything is always perfect when we are together............ until Riley shows up.

"Noah you are one of my best friends." I said deciding not to argue with him.

"I want to be your boyfriend Charlie."

Fuck. I meant to say boyfriend. Why did I say best friend?

"I want you to be my boyfriend." I said a tear rolling down my face.

He took his hand and wiped my face sweetly "Tell me you don't have feelings for Riley."

"I.....I....I don't ha........." I couldn't finish the sentence. I wanted to so badly to just say what he wanted to hear. But how could I lie to him when he's been nothing but good to me. I don't want to base a relationship on deceit.

"I can't." I shrugged. The truth is I have no clue what I feel for Riley...... but it's not nothing.

He nodded his head and took a step back from me. I couldn't stop the tears now.

"Nothing happened Noah!" Riley's voice came from behind me.

Oh holy fuck.

I spun around and Riley's eyes searched my face. She saw the obvious tears and scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"Riley no." I sobbed but it was too late. Noah shifted his focus to her.

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" He asked her genuinely.

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