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After that jk drop Ammie at her house.

Next day:

Ammie called jk:

Ammie:- hey koo~

Jk:- yes love!

Ammie:- did i disturb u?

Jk:- u can never be babe.😚

Ammie chuckles:- Ok, so...i wanna meet u .

Jk:-  today i am a bit busy love, actually soon i am going to debut that's why i am busy..

Ammie:- ohh!! No problem.

Jk:- don't say that because of this u will not going to attend my first concert..

Ammie:- hey what are u saying, ofcourse I'll come.😊

Jk:- ok I'll call u later, i am quite busy in practice.

Ammie:- ok byebye.

Saying this she cut the call.

Ammie:- i think, now i have to go to Aera, she was soo sad yesterday.

Ammie went to Aera's house.

Aera:- Ammie u r here?

Ammie:- ah.. yeah!🙂

Aera:- come and sit, tell me what u want tea or coffee?

Ammie:- nothing, i came here to meet u.

Aera:- Hmm..

Ammie:- How are u feeling, Aera?

Aera:- hm i am feeling okay now.

Ammie:- i am so sorry Aera all this happened because of me( she said while lowering her  head)

Aera:( looked at her) it's okay , u r not doing this intentionally, i am not like tae who blame anyone without even knowing.

Ammie looked at her confusingly.

Ammie:- what happened between you two yesterday?

Aera:- Nothing, he just told me that I am coming between you two and warn me to stay away from him...☹️

Ammie got shocked:- What!!? Is he out of his mind?

Aera:- so i decided not to come in front of him...

Ammie looked at her sadly.

Ammie:- that is not the solution Aera.

Aera:- so what u want me to do?

Ammie remains silent.

Aera:- btw i am happy for jk😊

Ammie nodded.

Aera:- u know what, his concert place is quite near to my hospital.

Ammie:- really! That's amazing. Then u can easily attend his concert 😀

Aera:- Yess!!

Ammie:- ok Aera now i have to go , as i have some important work to do.

Aera:- Okie byee ☺️

Ammie left from there.

Aera went back to her hospital:
One of staff member come to Aera and said.

Staff:- Mam do u know tomorrow is the concert of jungkook Jeon.( She said while blushing)

Aera looked at her awkwardly.

Aera:- yeah i know.

Staff:- are u going to attend his concert also?😀

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