part -20

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Jungkook's eyes are burning red, he turn back to her mom and said.

Jungkook:- And how many times I  need to tell u that I don't want to get married with anyone, can't u understand a simple thing!!!

Jk's mom startled from his rage  , even though he said calmly but the way he said with so much anger inside his voice gave shivers to his mom.

Jk's mom:- But jk try to. .

Jk:- Leave.

Jk's mom:- But ..

Jk:- I Said leave!!!

Jk's mom left the room and he sat on the couch while running his hands in his hair trying to control his anger and his tears at the same time .

4 years ago:

Ammie:- Jk  u were rytt, that Lee😭😭

Jk got panicked and start running towards her when suddenly  a truck came towards Ammie , everything stops when Ammie fell down in Han river.

Jk's world stops, his eyes got widen when he saw that Ammie was suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.


He run towards the bridge and saw she fall down in river.

Jk:- NOOO!!!!! AMMIE!!😫, I can't let u die , I am coming love just wait.

He try to jump off from bridge when suddenly people around there come and stop jk . One of them called to police.

Jk:- LEAVE ME ARE U OUT OF UR MIND, SHE IS MY LOVE, SHE IS DYING, I SAID LEAVE ME!!!!( he was trying to free himself from their grip but no use )

He sat down on his knees and broke down.

Jk:- U can't leave me like this love 😭u promised me to stay forever, I. ...i can't live without u plz...plz come back love😭😭

Suddenly Aera and Taehyung come with police, they saw jk in miserable State, they run to him and hold him.

Aera:- Where is Ammie kook? WHERE IS SHE?( she said While tears were flowing from her eyes)

Jk pointed at river, she run and saw at the river.

Aera:- No..N .. No this can't be....she can't leave us.

Tae:- AERA!! Control ur emotions we need to handle jk first.

Jk:- Ammie .. Ammie ( he was just saying her name, he was a crying mess)

Inspector:- We search the area Mr Kim and try to find Miss Ammie, plz u take Mr Jeon to ur house.

Taehyung:- thanks inspector, plz find her as soon as possible.

Inspector:- Yes we will give our best don't worry.

Tae:- Jk come lets go home police is doing his work.

Jk:- NO!!  I am not going anywhere, she needs me I have to be there for her.N...No i can't go anywhere.
( He stand up and start looking here and there)

Tae:- Jk plz try to understand police is doing his work come!

Aera:- Jk plz handle urself, we will find her , now plz let's go home .

Jk:- Aera sh ..she was standing here I ...i was running to her ...( Tears were not stopping from his eyes)

Aera:- Yes kook i understand, plz don't cry( she try to handle him)

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