OLDChapter 14OLD

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"Megan I can't believe you actually made your parents drive you all the way here to just be with me for your break." I smile.

"Oh course! I love you Thomas why wouldn't I!" She hugs me on the bed. Literally with her I feel so at peace. Like everything makes sense and everything is peaceful and perfect.

Although sometimes I feel weird with her. Like I forget I'm a boy. I don't know it's just a stupid feeling everyone gets when they are with someone really close. I guess...

We laid on our backs in silence for a good few minutes until she sighs, "I'm pregnant."

I literally spring up in totally shock. "What?"

"I wanted to tell you in person." She plainly replies not getting up. Her eyes blank of emotion and simply staring at the ceiling.

"But how? When?" Okay yes I know asking how was a stupid question. Yes, I know how babies are made. But like how did she? What the hell happened? Rape?!

"I was being stupid." she sits up bringing her legs to her chest. Her eyes being to water. "It was with Justin." She doesn't even look at me.

Justin was a college student Megan meet back when she was an eighth grader. My eyes widen as I reply, "Megan he's like twenty five now! And you're still fifteen!" I try to keep my voice as quiet as possible while hissing.

She nods as tears trickle down her cheeks. "I know. Heh We didn't use protection." She chuckles sadly.

"Why?" A long concern frown rests upon my face.

She looks at me shrugging with a weak smile. "I wasn't thinking. I just wanted him so bad I couldn't resist it."

"Does he know?" I shake my head trying to organize my thoughts. I could already feel a headache approaching.

"I'm too scared to tell him. Plus...he's already married."

Yup. That definitely draws the line. I get off my bed and go all parent mode on her. "Married? He's married?! What were you thinking Megan?! You basically ruined this man's marriage, and he took advantage of-"

"Stop it! Okay he didn't take advantage of me Thomas okay. He and his wife have been having a lot of problems so-"

"You decided to have unprotected sex with him?!" I interject rudely. But hey I was just so worried for her.

She tries to wipe away her tears as she shakily replies, "Look we bumped into each other by accident at seven eleven. We talked about all the news things in life, and than we went to the first place we meet."

She pauses. I remember she told me they meet up a hill in the forest preserve. To try star gazing. It's really beautiful that's all I know. She has to take a deep breath before continuing.

"Then we realized how much we missed each other so we kissed. Soon the small kisses turned into a make out session and so on." She covers her face. "I'm sorry. But I'm still not over him and he said he still loves me too."

"Bullshit! If he did love you he wouldn't have gone off and married someone else." I snort. She shakes her head.

"No, he left me because he cared about me. The reason he rejected me was because he didn't want to make my life hard. My parents would never let me date someone who's older and I didn't want him getting into trouble with the law."

"Megan please. Do your parents even know you're pregnant?" I dared ask her.

"No." She whimpers. "I'm too scared to tell them. I was thinking about having an abortion and forgetting about this ordeal. But I wanted to tell you in person first."

"So that's why you came?" I ask my voice laced with sadness.

She quickly looks at me. "It was also because I wanted to see you Thomas. I really missed you." She embraces me tightly.

"Okay. If you want to really abort the child then I'll go with you but I really think you should talk to Justin about it." I suggest.

She nods sniffling. Her eyes slightly puffy and red. "Actually I think after your break is over I'll go back home with you. Just so you can have enough courage to face your parents and Justin." I squeeze her hand.

She grins happily. "Thank you Thomas."

The next morning I woke up on my swing seat while Megan woke up on my bed. "Morning Megan." I sing as I get up from the chair. To be honest my neck is really sore.

"Hm sleep good?" Megan asks still snuggling with the blankets.

"It was great." I lied. It was probably the worse ever. I look at my phone to see Scott asking to hang out. But it's not till after three so it's pretty early now.

"Hey so last night we caught up with my life but what about yours!?" She asks excited.

"Well apparently Mark likes me." I could feel the heat flow into my cheeks. Causing them to turn a soft pink.

"No way! Did you say yes?" She gasps getting on the edge of the bed.

My head falls to defeat "I kinda freaked out and said I'd think about it."

Megan pouts like a child "Seriously? This was your only chance and you basically blew it." When she said that I didn't really believe her. I was pretty sure he would remind me or bring it up again some how.

How wrong I turned out to be.


It's been almost a week and a half since he confessed to me. And guess what nothing happened. He hasn't brought it up or attempted to show his affections for me!

Zip nada! Megan was right. Unfortunately for me. "Hey you're sighing again Thomas." Megan tells me as she finishes braiding my hair.

"Me sighing? As if." I'm also in denial. This was just awful! After everything he's done and kissing me! My fingers glide against my lips. I groan rolling on my bed.

"Geez Tom calm down. You're acting like a girl on her period while taking steroids." Megan teases while brushing her partly dyed blond hair away.

"I'm perfectly fine! Just-"

"Frustrated that I was right?"

"Right." I point out.

"So what color?" She waves around her nail polish, and my eyes try to decide which one I wanted. I tap on the dark purple polish.

"Okie dokie." She smiles as she began painting my toe nails. In case your wondering yes I paint my nails. Don't judge.

"Hey what do you do if a guy ignores you?"

"Hm I'm not sure maybe you should talk to him about it." Megan chuckles. Then another thought wondered into my mind. Andy and Ruby were still not together either.

Apparently Andy didn't go at all and they are still really awkward at the table. So at least I can take some comfort knowing I'm not the only one stressing out over romance.

"Talk to him Thomas! Don't expect him to be the one to bring things up." Megan persists.

"Okay okay! But I'll do it next week. Since we have you to worry about. We have to talk to your parents after all anyways." I remind her.

Her lovely face plagued with sorrow. "Hm that's something I'm not looking forward to do." We nod in unison before giggling together and helping her pack up.

Tomorrow I'll be going back to the city. Somewhere far from Mark.

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