Chapter 1 OLD

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"Your children are to be taken away. Both parents are deemed incapable of raising a child. The children are to be put under the care of their grandparents."

I sat alone outside my high school. The concrete stairs of the building sent me chills.

"Hey." A sweet gentle voice purrs.

Looking upward I see Megan. A beautiful tall girl with long straight hair. It was a dark shade of chocolate brown with neon pink highlights.

"Hey Megan." I sigh looking at the palms of my hand before smiling.

"There's that charming smile." She smirks. "Thomas," she places a hand on my shoulder. Sparks of relief explode from her gentle loving touch.

"Hm?" I mutter looking at her with sad azure orbs.

"Text me everything. I know your brother is going with you. That son of a bitch is lucky the police couldn't find his filthy tracks."

"I'm really sorry I couldn't stand up against him." I choke out.

"No, don't worry. I know how you felt. But I don't trust him going with you. So please promise me to leave a camera in your room. Or have a tape recorder." She cups my pale face.

I look at her longingly. "I promise. I'll text you every night."

"I'll visit you. And see if my parents can let me sleepover with you."

"Thanks Meg. I'm going to miss you so much." I tear up. I've always been a sensitive person. A shy timid cry baby.

A red truck began pulling over. My eyes lightly close. My shoulders tense. "I don't wanna go yet. I'm going to be alone." I whisper.

"You're not going to be alone Thomas. I know you'll meet new friends." Megan smiles as she nudges me.

"Tommy are you ready to go get your things?" Asks an older man. His face wrinkled and rosy.

"Just a minute Grandpa." I call out before looking at Megan. "Thanks for everything. I really love you Megan and I'll text you."

"You better Tommy Boy~ hey tell me about all the cute boys you see."

I pick up my duffel bag and chuckle, "I'll be sure to tell you all about the sexy country boys." Meeting cute new boys and a possible boyfriend might be the only positive thing about this new arrangement.

I hop into the truck. "Where's Peter?" I ask while clutching my fists.

Grandpa had to lick his lips a few times before answering. I found it kind of strange how old people are always so dry. "Peter is at home packing."

My heart nearly skips a beat. I really hope he wasn't touching my stuff. I smile at my grandpa before getting into his truck.

"You are going to love being in the country Tommy. It's so peaceful and cleaner then city life." Grandpa grins.

My phone vibrates. I pull it out checking who texted me. It was from Megan.

Hey 😜 just wanted to say Love You 2 Thomas😁😁😁

I begin to text back. Grandpa watching me with amazement by how fast my fingers moved.

Thanks Meg. I'm almost at my place. Eeehh I have to pack a little more. So wat am I missing out in English?

"Kids and their new high advance widgets aye?" He ruffles my black hair while he pulls over in front of my small misshapen house.

I stare at it swelling with sorrow. I walk into the house as Peter walks out with his stuff. I run up to my room in the attic. All my stuff was untouched thankfully.

Oh ur just missing Mr.Jackrum singing Shakespeare. Oh & he told me 2 tell you good luck & 2 visit

I soon have my backpack on, and then grab my suitcases, and two more duffel bags. I text as I walk out my house.

Darn I love his singing. Tell him I said bye and I'll never forget him or his singing.

I get out to the truck. Tossing all my stuff at the back with my brother's. "Hey, I call shotgun. You have to sit there." He orders me as he gets in with my grandfather.

I felt irritated and annoyed already. I hop onto the back. I use my luggage as pillows as I put on my headphones. Blasting Franz Ferdinand and Two Door cinema Club.

The ride was strangely relaxing as we slowly leave the city and into the first signs of being in the country. The sky was a fair blue with a fresh breeze as we drive.

Sorry for late reply the rest of my teachers r assholes 😋 buuut I'm out of the hell hole!

Lol I bet they are. And I'm just entering the country side. It's a loooong drive.

Oooh long drives r sorta nice? I bet it's pretty.

It is really pretty out here. So peaceful too. I see cows and horses on the fields too heh.

Sweet. But hey Tom I gtg sorry!!

I slide my phone into my pocket. Then look at the upcoming posters. My hair was pushed back from the wind and my hoodie flowing like a cape.



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