4| The girl he rejected

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Isabella's POV

Regardless of how hard I fought or tried to free myself, those monsters were able to bring me to the Alpha's den.

Even though it was a full moon day, there was still darkness everywhere, but the atmosphere was not quite like it was in the forest where they had abducted me.

I could hear the animalistic growls and agonizing screams, which terrified me even more.

I am not used to all of this because I have been living among humans for the past three years. They can be loud and wild at times, but not in this way. They can't match the werewolves!

The person who was still carrying me on his shoulder pushed me down to my feet, and as soon as my feet touched the ground, I tried to run. But after only a few steps, I collided with a muscled man and fell back, unable to keep my balance. As I landed on my buttocks, my eyes squeaked shut, and I hissed in pain.

When he crushed my foot with him, I yelped, and my eyes shot open. I looked up to see a tall, masculine man towering above me. He not only appeared powerful, but his aura screamed danger and authority. His eyes were cold, and his personality was dark. My skin crawled just by looking at him.

He was staring at me with a blank expression, and there was something off about him that I couldn't place. It seems like he loathes me for some reason.

Though he appeared to be powerful, I am certain he is not the Alpha. I still remember Alpha King's face, the one who heartlessly rejected me three years ago.

His aura suggests that he is the beta.

I was away from the pack for three years, and a lot has changed in that time. I have grown up, and I am sure Alpha King's appearance has changed as well.

"So, you found her!" The beast standing in front of me inquired, looking up at the monsters who brought me here.

"Yes, beta" they bowed in front of him, clearing my confusion.

"Put her in the dungeon, and one of you will come with me to inform the Alpha King about her."

"No, sir, please, at least listen to me," I almost cried. "I haven't done anything, please."

I have never begged before, but it appears to be my only option right now. They were all so big and powerful that it wouldn't take them long to crush me under their feet like a bug. I mean nothing to them, and my mate has also rejected me right in front of their eyes, so there is no respect in their eyes for me.

I don't want to have to deal with Alpha King again. I am still haunted by the way he rejected me three years ago.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and just as I thought he was about to show mercy on me, he turned around and walked away from me, shattering all my hopes.

"Listen to me..."I was dragged back into the dungeon as I hoped for assistance from these heartless monsters. I was struggling so much that it took two men to take me to that cell. I felt like puking as soon as I was pushed into a cell and inhaled a strong stench of blood.

I was still trying to break free, but the two cruel beasts simply pushed me into a dungeon and locked me from the outside. I slid down the wall and took a seat in the far corner. There was a small window through which the full moon shone, and the moonlight fell on me.

I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't stop the tears that began to fall from my eyes. I couldn't keep my emotions in check, no matter how hard I tried. I wrapped my arms around my folded knees, rested my head on them, and cried. My head began to spin, my throat became dry, the rate of my heartbeat and breathing increased, and I found it difficult to swallow.

Rejected & Pregnant by my Alpha 🔞 Where stories live. Discover now