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It was night again. But something was really unusual. He wasn't acting up like he used to.

"Jungwon?" I softly called his name in which he hummed.

"Is something wrong." I asked.

He sighed and looked at me..

He looked at me.

"are you..." I said.  I was feeling sleepy now.

"Jungwon don't." I said trying to break the eye contact but unable to do it.

"You have to sleep ara."
"Jungwon... Are you crying?" I asked.

He sniffled.

"Why would I? Good night Ara. And always remember that I love you and will love you forever." The last thing I heard before fainting.

I jolted up.

"Jungwon" I shouted his name. No answer.

I heard the door opening. In the hope of seeing Jungwon I went near to door to meet Yunji. I didn't know but my tears started to stream.

"Ara? What happened?" Yunji asked being worried.

"Ju-jungw-" I couldn't complete it. I was crying so badly. I knew something was not right.

"Jung? Jung what Ara? Won is missing. I searched for him everywhere. I guess he left... I even asked everyone if they have seen the cat but no one did." Yunji said.

I hugged her. I was a crying mess. I didn't know what happened but I somewhere knew I won't be able to see Jungwon again.

"Sunoo." I said.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

"The number you're trying to call is temporary out of service."

"Noo." I said.

I again tried calling him.

"The number-"

Out of anger, I threw the phone against the wall.

"Ara what happened can you atleast give me the summary?" She asked fully worried.

I did want to tell her, but it was not the right moment to tell her now.

"Yunji, I will be back soon. Don't wait for me, I might be Late today." I said and made my way towards the bathroom.

I freshen up and left to meet sunoo.

I knew the area where he lived but didn't know his exact address. That's when I realised, he never told anyone anything about himself. He never told me anything about himself. He was too reserved. I didn't even know when was his birthday.

I reached that place and looked for someone for direction.

"Are you finding someone?" An old lady asked..

"Yeah, do you know where Kim Sunoo lives?" I asked her.

"Kim Sunoo? Umm..." She thought for a while.

"Ah Kim Sunoo. He left this place a few weeks ago. He was a really good kid but for past few days he was acting weird. Poor child, something must have been bothering him." She said with sadness.

"Do you know where he would be right now?" I asked in case I could get more information from her.

"No. He was close to me, before going he told me he won't be coming back ever again. Things has started to fallen apart. He wished he could made things better." She said.

"Oh... Thank you for telling me this." I said and bowed to her.

He was angry? He left because everything started to fall? Sunoo was scared that Jungwon will reveal his Identity?

I started to connect the dots.

He later that day, never picked up my call but instead he messaged me.

I checked my phone and realised he didn't answer me from past 3 days.

I sighed. What have we done.
Where is Jungwon? Where is Sunoo? Where is everyone?

Tears started to stream down to my cheeks. I wiped them away and went home.

It was already late evening, it took me a lot of time to get the right area where Sunoo actually lived.

I sighed and took a taxi to go home.


We are near the end now. Next chapter is perhaps the last. Thank you all for supporting this book so far <3

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