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Mattheo - Draco - Sophie




I need your help

What now Sophie

Don't say it like that riddle

Will u stop being a simp?

Says you
"Oh, Gracie, of course"
"I love you. I'd kill for you."
Fuck off mate

I need you two simps

What's going on
Are you ok?

I am
But Gracie isn't

It's midnight
Are you two in your room

No, we went out the celebrate that exams are over
And some guy talked to Gracie
Yk, how Gracie is

What the ruck happened, Sophie

Someone drugged her
And she's not ok

Can she walk?

Not really
She's sleepy

Where are you?


Stay where you are
And don't talk to anyone

I will
Please hurry
I'm not sure what they gave her

She will be alright love
Do you have water?

Yes but she's so gone

Take some water in your hand
And wipe it over her face
Don't scare her until we know how her heart is

Should I call Theo?

No he's on a date
We can't scare him when he's not here

Please hurry


"Soph?" Draco runs up to Sophie, holding Gracie in her arms in the middle of the dark streets. My heart is beating fast, and I'm thankful it's not cold outside anymore. She only has a skirt and a shirt.

"Thank fucking hell you came. Here, help me with her." Draco helps Sophie lift up Gracie's body, but I stop him.

"It's okay. I can take her." He looks between the girl and me in his arms before nodding and handing her over to me.

"Matt?" Her weak voice asks me as she opens her eyes to look at me.

"Hey beautiful," she smiles a little but closes her eyes, looking tired.

"Do you know who did this to her?" I ask Sophie, who looks scared. She shakes her head a little.

"Matt..." Gracie mumbles a little, and I wipe my fingers over her cheek.

"I'm here love. Why is this always happening to you?" She mumbles something, but I can't put the words together.

"What did you say, love?" She stares at me with teary eyes.

"Bad...Guys," Draco meets my eyes, and Sophie shakes her head.

"What guys?" She asks Gracie, and Draco holds her body from behind, hugging her.

"Older...Tattoos. A girl screamed no...No." I have her body closer. It might be summer now, but it's still pretty chilly out here.

"Did they touch you love?" She shakes her head, and relief fills my body. This shouldn't have happened. I promised to take care of her.

"Let's get her to bed. We can talk more tomorrow." I think of what could've happened to her tonight, and the thought of it fucking breaks me. I fucked up. I should have texted her or asked if she was okay.

"I'll stay with her tonight in case something happens." Sophie nods, sucking in her lips.

"I dont want to leave her, though...." I shake my head. I can't throw her out of her own dorm. I wouldn't do that.

"I will stay in her bed. You two can still stay in your bed, and if anything happens, she will have all of us there with her." They both nod, and we walk our way back to the castle. Gracie talks to me a little, even though I have no idea what she is saying.

"I fucking love you, mmmm, that I do." She mumbles for herself, and my friends laugh as I smile. Yeah, I fucking love you two, Gracie.

"Sophie?" She asks her friend, and the blonde girl smiles a little.

"Yes, babe?"

"Do your heart go boom when you are with Drcao? Do you also kill the butterflies?" Draco chuckles, and my face lights up. There is something with this girl and her butterflies. She is a fucking butterfly.

"I dont kill them. But Draco makes me feel them." Draco holds Sophie's hand, and I smile a little. I didn't think my life would look like this a few months ago. I could only dream about it.

"But I kill them," tears fall down Gracie's cheek as we get to the common room door, and I shake my head.

"No, darling. You have never killed anyone. The butterflies love you, okay?" Sophie opens the door to their room, and I sigh in relief. She is safe now.

"Do you love me?" She asks as I lay her down in bed. The girl quickly rolls up in her favourite sleep position, and I smile.

"Yeah, I fucking love you, Gracie." She nods a little, and I lay beside her, helping her out of her skirt and giving her a sleep shirt. Draco and Sophie are both in her bed, as I pull Gracie closer to me.

"I'm sorry...." She whispers and my heart breaks. I hate how stuff always happens to her. It's never her fault. People are hurting my girl.

"Dont apologise, darling. Get some sleep," she shakes her head. Dropping it onto the pillow.

"It's my fault... It's always my fault." Sophie looks sad at me, shaking her head.

"Gracie, nothing is your fault. We all love you and will protect you for as long as we live. Okay? We will find the ones who did this to you. Now get some sleep. We are all here." Gracie nods, rolling closer to me.

"Soph?" Her tired voice asks.

"Yes, babe?" Sophie's voice answers in the now dark room.

"To the moon and to Saturn." My lips go up in a smile, thinking back at what Gracie told me the other day.

"And back," Sophie says before the room turns quiet, and I feel Gracie's heavy breath against my chest. She is asleep. She is safe now.

aimez-vous la lettre c?

Question of the day: when's your birthday? (So I can celebrate it, lol)

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