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Your sitting on the bench with closed eyes had tears flowing down your cheeks towards your lip and travelling further down your neck and vanishing. You recalled the memories of your one and only family who is the last reason of you being alive, your beloved brother. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the night sky where there is only 1 star and the moon shining brightly even when there's not a lot of stars accompanying the moon and the sky to shine brighter, she thought  -

Y/n - "This sky resembled my life before my brother disappeared. The one star in the sky resembles my kind and lovely brother and the moon resembled me while the darkness/dark sky resembles the cruel and the deceitful people who wished for our fall. Even If there's a lot of deceitful people like the dark sky, the star and the moon, me and my brother shined brightly. But now, he's gone. The one and only question in my mind now is 'For what reason should I live in this world?' " 

~Thinking this you got up from the bench and headed towards the edge of the mountain~

Y/n- "I miss you, Little alien. Forgive your sister If she did anything wrong to you. I love you!"

~Whispering this for the last, a tear managed to escape your closed eyes. You took a step ahead and jumped off the mountain, falling in a high speed, you closed your eyes even more being scared and-

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