Part 2 -

4 2 13

Y/n- "AHH!"

~You woke up from your frightful nightmare screaming and panting heavily while sweats are in your forehead, you lifted your hand and wiped the sweat off from your forehead and calmed yourself before getting up from the bed and walking towards the bathroom to do your morning routine~

~After doing your morning routine, you came out of the bathroom while drying your silky and smooth (your hair color) hair. You went and stood in front of the mirror when you heard your phone ringing. You looked towards your phone through the mirror before turning and getting your phone from bed and you saw that it was your best friend, Ju-Na Min. You attended her call.~


Y/n – "What happened, Juna?"

Ju-Na - "Come to the company as fast as you can. One of our partnership company's CEO wants to cancel the contract. He's angrily waiting for you in your office/Cabin. Situation is not at all fine."

Y/n - "What? But- Okay, I'll be there in few minutes. Handle him somehow until I arrive there."

Ju-Na - "Hmm. I'll try my best, still come asap."

Y/n - "I am getting ready. Okay, bye."

~You said and hung up while sighing with a frown~

Y/n - "A bad morning!"

~You whispered and went to your closet and picked up your office attire. You changed your outfit, took your car key and left hurriedly while praying nothing should happen wrong~


Y/n - "Ju-Na? What happened exactly?"

Ju-Na - "Come to the company as fast as you can. One of our partnership company's CEO wants to cancel the contract. He's angrily waiting for you in your office/Cabin. Situation is not at all fine."

Y/n - "Ok. Hope nothing's bad."

~Ju-Na nodded her head vigorously. You slowly entered your cabin only to meet a pair of green eyes staring at you. You just stood there frozen thinking what's gonna happen~

Norman - "May I know where you were, Ms. Yn?"

Y/n - "Me? Oh yeah, I was in my room getting ready for office, Mr.Norman."

~You said with a professional look trying to hide your nervousness.

Norman - "Don't try to act like it's normal. I know your company is going on loss but still you tricked me and made me sign in your contract and I want to break it!"

Y/n - "Mr. Norman, please try to understand us. The loss is just temporary, we'll be stable back again in 6 days according to our report. Please be patient and vacant me 5 days. "

~You said calmly but yet you are nervous too.

Norman - "I am not here for you to explain but to break my contract, Ms. Y/n. I just want to break it and I think you can hear what am saying as you're not deaf. Understood?"

~He said sternly. 

Y/n - (Sighs) "Okay, Mr. Norman. Let's break our contract. I'll arrange the meeting by evening. Thank you"

Norman - "You actually believed it, Idiot!"

~He said as he started laughing loud.

Y/n - "Acting king, please leave my office right now and let's break the contract for sure as I heard what you clearly stated as am not deaf."

~You said in anger.

AUTHOR - "So, Norman is your bestest friend from your childhood. He always supported you from your back and also helped you many times either directly or indirectly. You both pull pranks on each other but according to your company employees, you both are just business partners. That's why the employees and Ju-Na, your best friend and your secretary is scared. Even Ju-Na doesn't know you both's friendship."


Norman - "Sorry, Ms. Y/n. Forgive your best friend, please?"

Y/n - "Wh-"

~The door burst open revealing your beloved brother, Jung-Won (Just for the story).

Jung-Won : "Sis? You are here! Thank God! Can you give me 2500 dollars? Please?"

Y/n - "Why do you need so much money now, Jung-Won?"

Jung-Won - "I want to go out with my friends. Please, Unnie" (Elder sister)!

~He said pleading with puppy eyes.

Y/n - "Don't look at me like that. You know what, Jung-Won? You always have some ways to trick me."

~You said smiling seeing your brother who is beyond happy and he gave you a big hug

Jung-Won - "Unnie, I don't need money, it's just a dare given by my friends to see If you give money to me or not. It all began when I said to them that "My Unnie is the best" but my friend asked me "If she really love you, then let's test" and he gave this dare. Sorry, Unnie."

Y/n - "Oh my Alien. It's ok. Don't worry. So, where's your test scores?"

~Norman watched this whole scene being annoyed by their over clinginess.

Jung-Won - "Unnie, You know me right? I got the highest score in class" 

~He said being proud which made you smile 

Y/n - "I know my alien right! I knew you're gonna be first again! As your the topper once again, I'll give you what you asked for as I promised"

~You said to which your brother smiled widely

Jung-Won -"Really, Unnie?"

Y/n - "Yes, my little Alien. So, prepare everything ok? Let's leave by tomorrow!"

~Your brother smiled at the thought of going to the orphanage and giving food, clothes and toys to the children. Your brother left.

Y/n - "Norman, today also I had the same dream...."

~You said with a serious look to which the silence filled the room with seriousness.

Norman - "Why that dream always comes to you? Will it happen in real?"

                                                               ~TO BE CONTINUED~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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