(5) Concerts, concerts, and concerts...

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~Free's POV~

I felt my face getting hotter as I walked away from (Y/N). Why did I ask her that? I known she was already on AS gallus... am I falling for her? No, I can't be. But could I?

I arrived back to the BC sol hangout, and walk to Rantaro and Valts room. I knocked on the door and Rantaro opened it. "Heya free? What's up?" Rantaro asked. I reply back with "Do you guys wanna go see one of (Y/N)'s concerts?" they both said "Yeah! That will be exciting!" I smirked and said "I'll pay for the tickets. Don't worry." "You don't have to do that for us free!" Valt yells out. I say "It's fine, don't worry. But can you let Chris know, Rantaro?" He nods his head and says "Sure, buddy."

~Rantaro's POV~

I walked into Chris' office and asked her "Hey Chris? Me, Valt, and Free are gonna go see one of (Y/N)'s concerts. Is that alright?" Chris nods her head and smiles while she says "Go ahead, I'm okay with it." I noticed shasa was in the room and she asked "Can I come along too? I promise I won't bother anybody!" And I nod my head saying "Yeah, sure. Let's go with the others."

~Valts POV~

I noticed that free was on his phone more that usual, so I asked him "Hey free? What happened? You're on your phone for longer than you usually do. Lemme see!" As I lean over to see his screen, he hides it away and I frown. "It's nothing Valt." And I see him blush a little bit and I just shrug it off. I look to see that Rantaro is back but Shasa also came along. "Chris said it was alright, and shasa also wants to come along." Rantaro says. Shasa said "Hey Valt! Hey Free~!" Me and Free both say hi back.

~A few hours later~

Free already payed for the tickets, now we just have to get inside. It was insanely crowded, and right when we got in a seat the show started. I think (Y/N) didn't know we were coming.

Yay, another part done ✅

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