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18:30 Virginia

"So when do you leave?"

A young girl, not much older than twenty- one, pops her brunette head through the white door frame into the room. Another girl with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes looks up at the other girl and smiles, shoving a navy blue shirt into her green duffel bag. She looks at the piles of shirts and other articles of clothing that she needs to pack before leaving. They both were hoping that the blonde wouldn't have to leave but she had to.

"Tonight, I have to leave here by nine to get there on time." She says, turning towards the other girl.

"That sucks." The brunet fully walks into the room and up to the blonde girl. She wears a black tank top and some white shorts that were cut very high to the point of where the bottom of her buttocks were showing. She walks up behind the other girl that was trying to stuff yet another shirt into the green bag. The blonde wears something similar to the brunette but only in a black set. The blonde smiles, turning around once the shirt was in her bag and places her hands on the brunet's waist.

"I know but I have to." Knowing that they both had wished that another week would pass before she would have to go on deployment. The brunette looks down. The blonde gently lifts her chin up so that her hazel eyes are looking up at her ocean blue ones.

"I will be right back, you know."

"I know but I wish that we had gotten the extra week that everyone was promising."

"Me too but I will be right back I promise you, Rose, then I will be able to take you out on that date that you always wanted." She says trying to lift up Rose's spirits.

"Including the fun part, Meg?" She smirks at her.

"Including the fun part." She says kissing Rose on the lips. She could feel Rose smiling into the kiss. They pull apart and smile at each other. Meg only wishes that she could stay here, in Rose's arms.

"I will help you finish packing, you go get dressed in your fancy clothes."

"Yes Ma'am." She says and salutes her. Then gathers up her Air Force issued outfit to go put it on.


Meg drives along the highway listening to some music that was playing on the radio. She really didn't like what was playing but it was keeping her awake for the next few hours that she would be driving. She was only able to get two stations. One of them being a comedy show that was putting her to sleep, the other was playing music that she never heard before. She quickly looks down at her cup of coffee before looking back at the road. Her hand finds the styrofoam cup that was silently squeaking in the cup holder. She takes the cup out of the cup holder and takes a sip out of it. She makes a face after swallowing the hot and waterlogged coffee that she had gotten at the gas station when she was refilling her tank. She keeps driving. No one was on the highway, only her black, government issued car. Her car's lights were the only thing that was lighting up the black pavement that led her towards where she was going to go. She wasn't even halfway to her destination.

Her phone starts to ring. She leans over to grab it from the passenger side of the car. Careful not to drive off the road. She grabs it looking down at it. She smiles as she reads who the call is from. She turns down the music before answering.

"Hey Baby." She answers, placing her phone in the crook of her neck and grabs the coffee again to take a disgusted sip.

"Hi. I thought you would need some company." Rose's sweet voice rings out from the speakers of Meg's phone. Meg takes a sip and places the cup back down.

"I would love some but you should really go to bed. You have classes in the morning."

"I know but their stupid besides my nine got canceled."

"Did it now?" Meg says very skeptical.

"It did and I would send you a text message to prove it but you are driving so it looks like you have to agree with me on this."

"Fine." Meg says and they start to talk about random things, mostly things that Rose wanted to rant about but Meg didn't care. She only cared about the fact that Rose was there talking to her and hearing her voice was the only thing that mattered.

They talked for a long time till Meg saw the time which was already one in the morning and knew that Rose should go to bed.

"Go to bed, Love, and I will tell you when I get there okay?"

"Okay." She says not going to argue this time. "Goodnight, I love you." She sounded disappointed to hang up the call.

"Love you too."

Meg hangs up after saying their goodbyes to each other and tosses her phone back onto the seat next to her, cranking back up the music.


The first sign of life was not how Meg would have liked it. Still driving down the boring black paved road. A car drives by closer to her side of the road than their own. She moves over closer to the guardrail to get out of the way. The sound of the rumble strip wakes her up slightly; it wakes up more than the water logged coffee that was still silently squeaking. Meg looks behind her through the mirror, looking at the red lights that indicate whether or not someone was applying the breaks.

Two cars, neither one of them having their headlights on come out from thin air. One serves onto Meg's side of the road and the other stays on their side. Meg tries to swerve out of both of their ways but only to get shoved over the protective rail just before one of the other cars hit her. She scraps up the side of the car.

The car that tried to hit her turns back around this time with the headlights on. The lights from the car blind Meg and she tries everything to make them stop but she keeps driving. She knew that something was wrong and that she couldn't do anything about it, trying to be safe to not get himself killed or someone else who was unsuspecting.

Her eyes frantically search the road for somewhere where she could possibly pull over or stop but she doesn't see one. The car behind her flicks off their headlights completely. Meg looks around for them but doesn't see the car. The car slams into her from the side, she tries to pull the car away from the bottomless pit below but she wasn't fast enough. Crashing to the pit that she was trying so hard not to fall into.

As Meg tumbles down the airbags don't deploy, not protecting her against the vibrations of striking the rocks and bushes that litter the hill. Her things get scattered along the way down. Her neatly folded shirts scatter all around her. Along with many other articles of clothing. The window shatters as the car hits the ground another time and many pieces of clothing fall out. The waterlogged coffee that was trying to keep her awake now jumps out of the cup holder and the contains spill all over the car, even some on herself.

She screams till her car hits the trunk of a tree where she flies forward hitting her steering wheel knocking the breath out of her. The car continues to fail to the ground.The impact of the car hitting the ground knocks her out. There were many cuts from the glass all over her body. Blood dripped down her head like rain on a window. The only sound was her car horn and the quiet 'zzz' from her engine steaming. 

JAG:Edge Book 1Where stories live. Discover now