Chapter 30

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Leo's boss gives him a new Chaos outfit, "Go put it on, then you will get a mission. If you behave yourself we will provide you with a new place to live. For the time being you live here where we can keep watching over you."

"Yes sir."

Leo puts the outfit on and returns to the office.

"Does it fit?"

"Yes sir." Chaos has no emotion. His face was sunken from not eating properly and not sleeping for a week.

"Good. Now, your mission today is simple. We just want to show people that you are alive and proud of your work. I have mapped out a route for you to walk down, you will walk all around town and end your walk at the condos. You will speak to no one, just hold your head high and show the world you are still standing. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Be off then."

"Yes sir."


Chaos squints when he steps outside, he hadn't seen sunlight in a week. It was almost burning his eyes.

He begins to walk down the roads, right in the center of the streets to attract the most attention. As he walks around town he hears people murmuring, some whispering, some yelling and swearing at him. 

He felt nothing. He was broken. His eyes didn't shine, they were a dark matte.

He winds around to the condo complex. The debris had not yet been fully cleared. There were a few large chunks of concrete and a lot of dust. There are pictures of all the bodies they found and were able to identify. He slowly walks around, looking at every picture. He was hoping Kenny's picture wasn't there, hoping Kenny was safe.

People cried in front of pictures of men, women, and children. When they see him they throw things at him, some lunge at him but he dodges.

He doesn't see Kenny's picture anywhere. He feels a microscopic ping of relief. That was the most he was capable of feeling. He was surrounded by people who had lost loved ones because of him.

He looks around. Lots of angry eyes fall on him. Suddenly something grabs his wrist and starts pulling him. He doesn't react, he just follows, not even looking up to see who was dragging him. He didn't need to look, he knew.

Chaos is dragged into the old factory where he is finally let go.

"I'm going to hurt you." A deep angry voice echoes through the building.

Mysterion was standing directly in front of Chaos, staring at him with the most hatred Chaos had ever seen.

Chaos needed to step up his game, Mysterion wanted to hurt him, but Chaos needed to die. Not just hurt, he needed to be killed. Stopped for good.

"You killed someone very important to me. You're gonna regret ever having been born after today."

Chaos finally looks up and makes eye contact with him. "What do you think it sounded like?"


"When your friend fell with that building. When he fell and got crushed under mounds of concrete. Do you think his bones split cleanly? Or did they shatter, crackling under the weight? Maybe his head popped like a grape. His blood splattered under the place he once called home."

"I'm going to kill you."

Chaos flinched a little. He wanted this, he was glad he would get the sweet release of death.


Mysterion sprints to Chaos and punches him into a wall. Then he punches Chaos directly in the stomach. Chaos coughs up a bit of blood.

Mysterion grabs hold of Chaos's neck and holds him up against the wall, stopping all the air from his lungs. Chaos slowly turns blue.

"Th-ank- yo-u..." Chaos gives a small smile with tears before passing out.

Mysterion decides to lower him to the ground before finishing him off.

"First, let's see who you really are."

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