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(The Letter and the Movies )

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(The Letter and the Movies )

The day started as normal as any other day, students woke up and went to the great hall where the students were divided into four houses. The loudest was the Gryffindors, four boys were laughing so loud that other students couldn't help but look at them. These boys were known as the Marauders which consists of

Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot cause that's his Animagus, a dog, but no one knows it yet.
Remus Lupin, who's Peter also known as Moony, he's the werewolf of the group.
Peter Pettigrew is a rat, that's where his name comes from worm tail.
James Potter, his nickname is Prongs cause he's a stag. But no one knew that.

The table behind them, these were the Slytherins who glared at the Marauders because they couldn't stand them and their pranks. Those Slytherins consisted of Regulus Black, younger brother of Sirius Balck, Barty Crouch Jr. and Evan Rosier, his best friends, and the 4Cs,

Carina Malfoy, the only daughter of Abraxas Malfoy and twin of Lucius Malfoy, there aren't many females in the Malfoy bloodline and the females that are born are well treasured by their families also she was the first one to join the group or particularly invented it with her best friend Cassie,

Charlotte Prewett, after she was sorted into Slytherin her family treated her like a blood - traitor expect her twin brothers Fabian and Gideon she joined the group right after it Cassie and Carina noticed how she was treated by her family,

Celeste Duval was the last one to join the group, she's a half-blood, her mother is a muggle and her father is a pureblood wizard but her mother never told Celeste about him because he's a well-known wizard and married.

Cassiopeia particularly invented the group and other than being the daughter of two of the most famous wizards there's not much known about her, you either see her with her friends or her boyfriend, Regulus Black or sitting in the library with a book.

Breakfast was over and everyone was on their way to class when suddenly a bright light consumed some students and teachers and they disappeared.

"What the hell happened?"

"Where are we?"

Everyone was suddenly in the Room of Requirements and wondering where the hell they are when they suddenly heard the booming voice of

"What in Merlin's name happened?" The Blacks, Potters, Lupins, Tonks, Weasleys, Moody, Shakebolt and the Scamanders appeared. The children all ran to their parents and hugged them.

"Dad?Mom?" Cassiopeia asked surprised but still went into the arms of her father.

Fleamont Potter stepped forward and asked Dumbledore

"What is going on Dumbledore?" But before he could answer the bright light suddenly appeared again, this time there appeared a TV and with it a letter. Euphemia Potter picked the letter up and read it out loud

"Dear Everyone

You might be wondering why you're all here, well it's easy we're from the Future and it isn't a good one the second war took many people from all and we are trying to change it and we want your help. You're going to watch eight movies which contain the prospects of our lives and hopefully, after that, you can change our and your future.

With Love

J.F.P., M.E.P., P.S.B., D.C.B., W.C.P., D.L.L., I.H.L., H.J.P., S.C.P., C.A.L., F.G.W., G.F.W., G.M.W., N.L., L.P.L., H.J.G., R.B.W., D.L.M.

P.S. Minnie is going to collect everyone's Wand because there might be things you see where you would want to murder someone"

Everyone was shocked, most were happy to hear that the first war will be over but they still worried because there is going to be a second war and most of them wonder if they get to see their children in the movies so everyone was getting settled in while Minnie collected everyone's Wand. As everyone sat the screen on the wall began to play the movie and everyone was begging to wonder what the hell happened that people in the future decided to go so far as to change it.

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