Chapter 2: A Ship Full Of Drones

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The Four Crewmembers Ran Into The Turbolift Which Descended To Engineering They Ran Down The Corridor And Into Engineering The Doors Hissed Open And Then A Phaser Blast Flies Passed Them They Look To See Who Fired And Shock Fills Their Eyes

Lillian: "Harry?"Harry: "Lillian What Are You Doing Here?"T'Kellis: "You Two Know Each Other?"Lillian: "I Met Him Just Before Voyager Departed Deep Space Nine Back In 2371 And I Was Only 17 At The Time I Was A Young Cadet"Korell: "What Are You Doi...

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Lillian: "Harry?"
Harry: "Lillian What Are You Doing Here?"
T'Kellis: "You Two Know Each Other?"
Lillian: "I Met Him Just Before Voyager Departed Deep Space Nine Back In 2371 And I Was Only 17 At The Time I Was A Young Cadet"
Korell: "What Are You Doing On The Artemis?"
Harry: "The Artemis Was Supposed To Drop Me Of At Starbase 274 For My New Assignment The U.S.S. Galen"
Lillian: "The Sovereign Will Take You"
Harry: "Thanks Lillian You're The Best Friend I've Ever Had"
Korell: "Incoming!"
Three Drones Start Breaking Down The Door
T'Kellis: "Retune The Frequencies"
The Phasers Are Retuned And All Five Of Them Fire The Three Drones Fall To The Ground
Korell: "Come On Let's Get To The Transporter Room!"
Back On The Sovereign
Captain Arthur Trelawney Sat In His Chair Gripping The Armrests Tightly Patiently Waiting For Someone To Contact The Sovereign Then Someone Did
Korell Over Combadge: "Korell To Sovereign Five To Beam Back"
The Five Crewmembers Are Transported Back Onto The Sovereign
Norman: "Harry Kim?"
Lillian: "We'll Explain Later"
The Five Crewmembers Walk Onto The Bridge
Arthur: "Harry Kim" He Smiles And Shakes His Hand
Harry: "It's Nice To Meet You In Person Sir I've Heard All About You"
Arthur: "It's Nice To Meet You In Person Too Mr. Kim"
T'Kellis: "Captain The Artemis!"
Captain Trelawney Looks At The View Screen And The Assimilated Federation Starship Has Powered Up Its Engines And It Starts Moving Towards The Sovereign
Assimilated Crew: "We Are The Borg Surrender Or You Will Be Assimilated"
Arthur: "Red Alert"

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