Headcanons, kinda

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I guess they don't really count as headcanons since they are my own characters, but let me believe
They are headcanons about all of my characters and Rui

Hinoto never has greasy hair or knotted hair and it confused the fuck out of ppl.

Rui and Akame always make Sakura and Hinoto watch horror movies with them, and at the end Hinoto and Sakura and literally cuddling.

Murasakino and Hinoto cuddle when they are asleep sometimes, it's just a bruddle (Bro cuddle) though.

Akame and Kinoe actually get along really well.

Whenever they go on road trips this is the seating arrangement.
Kinoe driving. Akame in shotgun. Rui sitting behind Kinoe. Hinoto in the middle. Murasakino behind Akame.

Akame loves dogs and dogs love her, dogs and cats absolutely despise Murasakino, and Hinoto likes dogs, but he's more of a cat person.

Hinoto and Sakura do some really dumb shit together, a few times they have ran off for a few days, or have jumped onto a bull and get bucked off, and much more.

Akame has a pet bird which is the reason she refuses to get a dog.

Akame dreams of being a journalist when she's older.

Hinoto doesn't care what he is, it just has to be fun and well paying.

Murasakino wants to be an actor.

They all love going to the beach, and whenever they do, it's a life or death mission for Murasakino and Hinoto to get Akames hair wet. If they succeed, she just laughs it off, if they don't, she beats the shit out of them and shoves their heads underwater for about 10 seconds.

Murasakino has a younger half-brother which he is always buying toys and shit for.

Akame is a master at catching fish.

Hinoto is afraid of sharks so he hates going in deep water, even if it is a river. Murasakino shares this fear.

If Akame sees a high-quality anime figure that she likes, you bet your ass she's gonna get it or beg Murasakino to get it for her, and we all know that Murasakino's weak spot is Akame.

If anyone talks bad about gay people, Hinoto, Akame and Sakura are gonna beat their asses. (Sucks because their teacher is homophobic)

The only animals that like Sakura are, chickens, ducks, and pigs, so Sakura begged his moms for a duck, they eventually got him one.

Sakura isn't very good at it, but always helps his mother cook every night.

Hinoto is usually the cook in his household, since he's good at it.

After Sakura found out about the heavy weights on Akames wrists he immediately stole them and held them above her head, then hid them while she was asleep.

Hinoto will, and has jumped out of a moving train.

Sakura is a picky eater.

Sakura has a way with words, and so he is quite convincing.

Akame sleeps with a little stuffed bunny.

When Hinoto glares, you only have about 3 seconds to run.

Sakura loves smoothies. Doesn't matter what kind, if it's a smoothie he will drink it.

When Rui and Hinoto were old enough, they adopted a child named Teka, who was kidnapped and abused by a man named Yugo. (If your a certain someone, you know all about this)

Hinoto brings Akame, Sakura, and Rui to the annual festival that celebrates the day the demons were wiped out.

Hinoto reeeeeeeally likes Salty foods.

I'm definitely gonna be adding more to this, so keep checking in once in awhile to know more about our beloved characters.

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