The Bet

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I was watching One Direction perform backstage. It was their last song of the night and I was ecstatic. Sitting backstage while your brother and best friends perform in front of a bunch of screaming fan girls is not the ideal way to spend your Saturday night. They were halfway through 'What Makes You Beautiful' and they pulled a girl onstage. She looked as though she was going to faint when Harry sang to her. I rolled my eyes at the way the guys can swoon anyone with a single note. I decided at this point I'd head back to the dressing rooms.

I open the door and retrieve a Coke from the mini fridge. I sit on the couch popping it open and only getting through one sip before I'm interrupted by howling and laughter.

"Lola! There you are! I was beginning to believe you'd left us," Harry says sitting next to me.

"You're my ride, doofus. I couldn't leave if I wanted to," I reach over, hitting Harry's curls.

"Oh, I see. I'm just too irresistible and you won't admit it. Right, love?" Harry reaches over, grabbing the coke and drinking half of the can before I smack the bottom of it so the rest spills all over him.

All of the boys laugh and give me high fives. Harry looks up, angrily and jumps on top of me starting to tickle me.

"Harold!!'t...breathe," I say between laughs and gasp.

"That's the point, love!"

I feel his weight get lifted off of me and I realized Louis and Niall pulled him off of me.

"We got tired of you two making out," Louis says.

"Oh, Lou. You never learn. Obviously that would never happen,"Zayn says.

"Why is that, Zayn?" Niall asks.

"Guys! You all are a bunch of arses but if you have to say it yet again, go ahead," I say burying my face in my hands.

"Cause she's a liiiiiiiiiiiiip virgin!" They sing in union.

"Satisfied?" I ask.

They all laugh and nod.

"You know, Lola... I could change that problem for you reeeeeaally quick," Harry says pulling me onto his lap.

"We've had this conversation, no thank you. You know I love you all---"

"Ya hear that? She loves us! She's finally learned to love!" Niall says in between bites of pizza from before the performance.

I crinkle my nose and sigh, "Here we go,again! You should know by now that---"

"That you are incapable of loving. We know, I don't understand it but, we know," Liam says while simultaneously getting hit with a water bottle by Louis, I laugh.

"I have a proposal!" Harry says with his pointer finger in the air.

I stand up, "What is it then?"

"Actually, it's about you, Lola,"he says pulling me back onto his lap.

"Oh Jesus," I mutter.

"Just listen. I want to make a bet with you," Harry raises one eyebrow.

"A bet,huh? What do you have in mind?" I raise one eyebrow in return.

"Since it's the end of our American tour, we have the next month off to either go back to Europe or stay in America---"

"Thank god!" Niall yells raising his second coke in the air. I stifle a laugh

"And in 18 days, a certain someone will be turning 18---"

"Who? Cher? I thought her birthday was---"

Let me finish, Louis! Anyways, I bet you, Lola Jane Payne, that in 18 days you will have fallen in love with---"

I scoff, "With who per say?"

"Stop interrupting me! And I'm betting on me but, honestly anyone will do...I guess. And if I win, which I will, you will have to kiss me so I rid you of all of your lame lip virgin ways...and maybe your other virgin ways in the process," Harry smirks cheekily and winks.

Liam starts to stand up and speak but I hold my hand up, not wanting to start a fight,"So you plan to make me fall in love with you, or someone else, in 18 days and if you win you kiss me and more," I think for a second,"What if I win?"

"You make your own wager,love."

I get off of Harry and pace around the room. I go around to Louis and stand behind him, "You got it Styles, if I lose you kiss me...or more,"I shudder," But, if I win, which honestly I will," I play around with Louis' hair," I get to cut 10 of your precious curls."

"10?! 10?! Are you out of your bloody mind?" Harry yells.

I kiss Louis on the cheek, "You do want to rid me of my virgin ways before anyone else...right?" I wink at Harry.

"Anything else you want to say before we make this deal?" Harry mumbles angrily.

"Yes, you can't make me do anything such as kissing and sex. The amount of forceful or awful moves you make will add up to the number of curls deducted from that pretty little head of yours. Deal?"

"So, I can't force you to do anything. Now, since I'm also the most amazing guy ever we will be spending 18 days alone, in a beach house in Malibu. The guys will visit so don't you worry, and I can take you out on dates since only kissing and sex was classified. Deal,"He shakes my hand before I can pull away.

"Shit," I mutter.

"Lola...what the hell did you get yourself into?" Liam asks,clearly aggravated.

"I don't know but, the next 18 days surely are going to be hell." I run my fingers through my hair and glare at Harry.

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