I Don't Want To Go

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We head back to the hotel and we head to our rooms, I'm silent the whole way.

"Lola, you can't ignore him forever," Liam says when I open the door.

"Oh yeah? This way, I'll win the bet. Goodnight Liam." I walk in and close the door, leaning against it I let out a sigh. I drop my bag on the bed and walk into the bathroom, turn the shower on, strip down, and step into the inferno water beating against my backside.

We leave tomorrow morning. 18 full days with Harry. I can't let him win, all he'd ever do is brag about it. I could never win, though. He's always been my favorite. I've always felt something about him even if I can't say it out loud. They don't know about him. They don't know about us. The things we did. Things that happened. They don't know about the scars that left me broken inside. I could never confess to all the secrets I keep.

Frustrated, I step out of the shower not caring about anything. I wrap myself in a towel and open my suitcase, pulling out a gray tank top and pink striped pajama pants. While I'm wringing my wet hair that's sticking to my neck, I hear a knock at the door. I walk to open the door and immediately regret it. I try to slam the door but his foot stops it and he cries out in pain.

"Fuck, Lola we made a deal! You don't have to act like this and you can't ignore me, " The deep and sultry voice of Harry Styles says, "Why are you so angry anyways?" He's wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

I look at him through the crack of the door,"Maybe because I don't want to fall in love!"

"Why not? It's---"

"A magical thing? Oh please, cry me a river, Harry. You won't make me fall in love with you so forget it. Your going to lose the bet. Trust me."

"Yeah, sure. No one can resist the Styles charm,sweetheart,"he winks,"Make sure you've got everything packed. We're leaving in the morning. Goodnight, Lola," Harry opens the door, hesitates but kissed my cheek anyways.

"Goodnight, Harry,"I watch as he goes down the hallway.

I close my door and walk over to my bed, laying down. This is going to a long 18 days. I'd do anything for them not to figure me out.

* * * * *

I wake up around 8 and walk over to Louis and Harry's room. Inside, I hear voices so I stop.

"Why'd you go and make the damn bet, Harry?" Liam's angry voice rings out.

"Don't worry! I thought we'd have a little fun while we're on holiday,"Harry replies.

"I swear if you do anything to her---"

"Like what? Have unprotected sex? She's won't even kiss a guy,Liam! She's not going go all the way."

"Don't mess with me, Harry. She's my baby sister and I will not see you break her."

"She's your stepsister and I would never hurt her! I'd never do that, Liam, you know me. I...I care about Lola...you know...I think...I mean...I kinda might...um...love her?" I gasp at this and have to cover my mouth.

"Gurl, please. We all see how you look at her. You do love her, get that straight," Louis says and I can feel him giving Harry his sass face.

Harry mumbles something and I lean onto the wall and sigh. Does Harry really love me? Does he look at me like that? I never notice it...

I'm about to open the door when Louis opens it.

"Oh! Lola, it's just you. Go on in," Louis ushers me inside, giving me a look and stepping out of the room.

Harry and Liam look up and stop talking. You can feel the awkward tension in the room.

"Morning,love. You all packed?"Zayn asks with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Yeah, finished last night," I say sitting next to Harry on the couch,"when are we leaving?" I ask him.

"As soon as everyone is situated, we'll go, they'll come up in the next few days,"Harry says leaning back.

"And you'll put on a shirt..."

"Oh right!" He jumps off the couch and into his bedroom.

Liam sits next to me,"You excited,Lola?"

I shoot him a glare,"Why would you let him take me?! Do you know what he could try without you all? I don't even want to think about it."

"He won't do anything. This will be a good bonding experience for you two."

"Are you kidding me? I know you don't want me to go,don't lie to me."

He didn't know I heard their conversation,yet.

"Look,"he sighs,"I don't want you to go but I trust that Harry won't get you in trouble."

"Don't lie to me. Don't give me any sympathy because the whole hotel heard you two screaming!"I stand up,"How many times do I have to say I DON'T WANT TO FALL I LOVE."

"Why?" Liam looks at me,a little hurt and I regret yelling at him.

"You don't have to know what goes on in my head. Tell Harry I'll be in my room when he's ready."

I walk out of the door and then stop,"I'm sorry I yelled at you,Li."


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