Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Did you love the Royal Wedding as much as I did???

Kate looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. I loved it!

William and Harry looking dashing in their uniforms ;P

I love the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge :)

Anyways, Feedback please!


School rushed by on Monday and I headed to work. It was quiet busy, so when I got home, I just did my homework and went to bed.

Tuesday was just normal, I noticed Eric giving me strange looks.

One mixed with curiosity and… worry?

I just ignored him.

I rang the doorbell, and was greeted with Mrs Shirley’s face.

She smiled when she saw me, and I walked in.

Evan came running up to me when he saw me and I started to hand out the chocolates I had brought for everybody.

Sophie was reading away, and I went up to her.

She jumped when I tapped her shoulder.

“Hey Sophie, sorry for scaring you. I brought you some chocolates?” her eyes lit up and I smiled as I handed them to her.

“What are you reading?” I asked after watching her unwrap the chocolate eagerly.

She looks up, chocolate on the edges of her mouth, “Romeo and Juliet.”

I raised my eyebrows, “A romance fan are we now?” she nodded eagerly, and I paused, “How old are you Sophie?”

“I’m twelve Mi- Liz.”

“Lizzie!” Evan jumped onto my lap.

I laughed.

“Thank you so much for the yummy chocolates! Will you please play cars with me?” he asked holding up a red car.

I smiled taking it from him.

I looked up from my revving of engines and saw Mrs Shirley speaking to a man dressed in a suit. She was frowning and looking around at the room filled with kids playing around.

After he left, I stood up and walked over to her, picking up Evan when he grabbed onto my leg.

“Is everything okay?”

She looked up, worry in her eyes, “The house is going be taken away. We don’t have enough money to pay the banks.”

My eyes widened, “What’ll happen to the kids?” I asked tightening my hold on Evan who had settled himself inside the crook of my neck.

“They’ll be sent to other orphanages I presume. I just can’t come up with that much money in the short time they are giving us.

I had an idea, “Mrs Shirley, do you have a check book?”

She nodded confused and brought it over. I put Evan down and completed the slip of paper.

Mrs Shirley’s eyes widened, “I can’t take this kind of money from you Elizabeth. I don’t want you to touch any of that money in your account.”

“I can’t just sit there and do nothing, please just take it.”

Her eyes soften and she pushed my hand back, “Thank you, but no. I’ll find another way.”

After leaving, I went to the farmer’s market, which was where I saw an advertisement for a job.

This gave me an idea.

I wouldn’t touch what was already in my bank, I would just not put the money I earned into my bank, but I needed another job if I wanted to have the needed money in a month.

I looked at the piece of paper pinned to the announcements board. The job was to work for a Mrs Jackson.

I pulled out my phone and quickly dialled the number.

A very feminine voice answered, “I would like to speak to you about your job advertisement?”


I wiped the sweat off my forehead after the lesson, taking a drink.

She had given me the job.

It wasn’t that difficult, so that’s probably why there wasn’t a very big deal made out of it.

She was going to give me good pay, but I would have to stop my afterschool activities if I was going to be able to do the job, which was fine.

I could just go to the gym instead.

I got home, had a shower and had some pasta for dinner, after completing my homework, I went straight to bed.

The thing about high school is that whilst the teachers teach you things during school, they give you things that are so much more complicated for homework. I didn’t really mind though- I wanted to study hard and do well in school- though it was hard to on days like Wednesday where the day just dragged, soon enough though, it passed.

Eric’s worried looks towards me increased slightly, but other than that, no change.

After school I went over to Kasey’s with Charlotte.

Her house was really welcoming, and so was her family.

After eating some afternoon tea- made by Kasey’s mum, we went upstairs, followed closely by JoJo, their playful puppy.

She sat comfortably in my lap whilst Kasey and Charlotte spoke about the latest gossip on Entertainment Tonight.

I laughed when Charlotte scrunched her nose up at Hugh Grant. “That guy I still in the Hot List? He’s so ancient- and he definitely can’t sing- nor dance!” she exclaimed.

Thursday passed soon enough. I went to Mrs Jackson’s house to collect some forms I needed to fill out.

The house was quite large, built on top of the only hill the suburb had. It looked very modern on the outside, and was very extravagantly furnished inside.

Mrs Jackson herself seemed to dresses very fancily for just staying at home. She had a friendly face, and was about my height- though with her heels, you couldn’t really tell- she had black hair that fell down in ringlets and green eyes- features that reminded me of Eric.

I was starting next week.

The next day, I picked up Kasey and Charlotte and went to school.

We decided to sit at the bench shaded by the trees today, as it was quite sunny. We didn’t usually sit this close to the jocks and cheerleaders, which was probably why, when Jacob, a jock, saw me, he smirked and turned to some of the guys in his group, whispered something and they all turned and looked at us.

“There’s Jeremy.” Kasey sighed dreamily towards the opposite direction.

I turned and saw him jump as he marked the ball. The guys surrounding him did fist pumps in the air, giving him the man hug thing that they do.

“That’s my boy.” Kasey cheered.

“Hey, your Elizabeth right?” I heard a voice behind me.

Confused, I whipped my head around- only to be faced with Jacob’s face, “What are y-”

“So, I heard you liked me.” Jacob cut off as he leaned closer to me.

My eyes widened, I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t as Jacob’s lips pressed against mine, quick as a flash.

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