Jason's Quest

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Jason held his fist in the air as the Argonauts powered their vessel toward impending doom. Ahead of them, two gargantuan peaks towered over a narrow channel through which the Argo had to pass. Appearing inert from a distance, the Symplegades- clashing rocks, when engaged, waited until unsuspecting ships reached the middle of the channel and then slammed shut, sending all passengers on rapid descent to The Underworld.

Phineas, a wise king with the power of prophecy, knew how to pass through the rocks. He turned to Jason and advised him, "Release a lone dove to fly bravely into the channel. The bird will trigger the rocks to close. When the rocks reopen we will have precious moments to reach the far side."

Jason's gaze trailed the dove as it flew into the sharpened teeth of danger. He tapped his foot and fingered the charm on his leather necklace. With a hiss, the Symplegades slammed shut, producing a roaring crash and loud rumble of thunder.

"Here we go, men. If you ever want to see your families again, row with fear in your hearts!" Jason's voice pitched with tension, his shaggy mane blown stiff by a headwind. Jason wrung his hands together. "When the gates of Hades open, we go!"

Conserving energy, the oarsmen sat poised to row, gripping and releasing the oar handles. Their arms and legs coiled with tension. The Argo coasted toward the massive mountains. Sea lapped at the hull. As the Symplegades groaned open, suction with the power of converging gales drew the ship forward into the channel's center, thus tempting the Fates to sheer the Argonauts' lifelines.

"With the power of Zeus, Row! Row! Row!" Jason yelled to his crew as he gripped the side of the ship white-knuckled. "Bend your backs to the oars!"

With explosive energy, the Argonauts slapped oars to water, churning the waves, whipping the crests to foam with a racing stroke. Large boulders fell from the heights along the sheer crags, crashing into the channel to either side of the speedy ship.

The dragon-headed prow of the Argo soon extended beyond the far edge of the rocks. But, without warning, they began to shut again, attempting to ensnare their prey. Blessed were the Argonauts, for the ship's stern narrowly escaped the wrath of the jagged rocks with a boar's hair of distance from total destruction.

"Praise the gods!" Jason raised his arms to the heavens. "By Zeus, hurler of thunderbolts, and by Athena, conjurer of wisdom, have we emerged unscathed."

"Hoo-wahh!" Heracles roared triumphantly.

"Well done, men! Uncork the wine. But before we taste even a drop, let our libation honor the gods for safe passage!"

Jason unsheathed his sword and effortlessly decapitated a plugged amphora of wine. Then, from the side of the ship, he emptied its contents into the sea to salute the Earthshaker, Poseidon."

"Next, we honor Phineas, without whose uncanny knowledge of the rocks, we would be sailing the Styx right now! To Phineas!"

"To Phineas!" the crew erupted with oars raised high in the salty air.

"Now settle in. Colchis will rise on the horizon soon enough."

Jason crossed his arms and reclined on the deck. Resting his head on a wool and feather pillow near the stern, the hero gazed pensively at the cerulean expanse above. He massaged his dark goatee and inhaled deeply, releasing it in a slow sigh.

Conflict back home in Iolkos flooded his brain, though. He chews at the inside of his cheek. Soon the rise and fall of the vessel against the crests and the monotonous drum that paced the oars slowly lulled Jason to uneasy slumber. For even in repose, thoughts of home haunted his dreams.

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