Fusion boot camp

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"You were expected to be here at 01000 soldier!" Tyranno Hassleberry snapped. Lincoln wasn't sure what was worse. Lori being in charge when their parents were away or a guy who thinks he's an obnoxious drill sergeant. 'Sergeant' Tyranno Hassleberry was in charge of basic fusion and he was not one to take it easy on people.

 'Sergeant' Tyranno Hassleberry was in charge of basic fusion and he was not one to take it easy on people

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"Hassleberry, I'm not really a soldier." Lincoln said as he walked towards the 'boot camp' Hassleberry had made for his class. "You are now, Private!" Hassleberry yelled. Hassleberry was always yelling! "TEN-HUT!" "Yes sir." Lincoln said rolling his eyes. "I can't hear you, Loud!" Hassleberry yelled. "YES SIR!" Lincoln yelled at the top of his lungs. Why couldn't Lori have been stuck with this mission? He thought to himself. "Better." Hassleberry barked. "Now Crowler said that you were in need of some serious fusion training and from the looks of you, I'd say he's right." Oh goodie, Lincoln thought to himself. "You're in my army now son!" Hassleberry continued. "Get in there and join the new recruits!" Lincoln walked over to where Hassleberry was pointing to. There were four other students in Hassleberry's class, a Slifer Red like Lincoln, a Ra Yellow and two Obelisk Blue students. Lincoln stood next to the Slifer Red. He was a nervous little man with light blue hair. How'd this guy get in here? Lincoln thought to himself.

 How'd this guy get in here? Lincoln thought to himself

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"Oh, man." The Slifer Red moaned. "I JUST know I'm not gonna survive this. I don't know why I even came here!" "Hey, relax man." Lincoln said. "This is nothing to me. I've handled this." The Slifer Red looked at Lincoln. "Hey, aren't you Lincoln Loud?" He asked. "You... know me?" Lincoln asked in surprise. "Well, yeah." The Slifer Red answered. "Everyone knows that you hang around the dorms a lot. " Lincoln looked a little bit embarrassed. Every bit of his free time was dedicated to finding clues to the Supreme King's hideout. He knew it was wrong but he didn't really have time to make friends. Well, no time like the present, Lincoln thought to himself. "Sorry, I've been a little busy recently." He said, smiling. "Didn't really have time to meet my classmates. Been pretty busy with studying." "Nice. My name's Syrus, by the way." The boy said. "Nice to meet you Syrus." Lincoln smiled. But before Syrus could shake Lincoln's hand, Hassleberry's voice ruined the conversation. "ATTEN-TION!" He bellowed, causing Lincoln to cover his ears. "I am Drill Sergeant Hassleberry, your commanding officer! I am your worst nightmare! Though you maggots will refer to me as sir!" "Sir yes sir!" The students replied. And I thought Lori was bad, Lincoln thought."Wipe that smile off your face, soldier!" Hassleberry yelled at Lincoln. "I wasn't smiling." Lincoln said. "I thought I'd seen it all." Hassleberry muttered under his breath before addressing his students. "For the next six weeks, your hides belong to me. You'll learn to march like soldiers, fusion summon like soldiers and fight like soldiers! I will make soldiers of you turkeys, even if it kills you!" Lincoln and Syrus gulped nervously. "It's like this, ladies." Hassleberry continued. "You will shape up, and you will shape up fast, or I will personally drum you out of the corps!" "Do you have to be so harsh on them?" A voice asked. Lincoln looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man in a silver officer's uniform.

 Lincoln looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man in a silver officer's uniform

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"Commander Phoenix, sir!" Hassleberry addressed the newcomer, giving him a salute. Lincoln smiled at the newcomer. Aster Phoenix. Lincoln had met him at a tournament in Royal Woods. Even though the two of them used different hero decks, they had become friends and even travelled together on adventures. Aster smiled at Lincoln as he approached the students. But before he could say anything, Lincoln's duel disk went off. "Oh no!" Lincoln groaned as he looked at it. "Talk about bad timing!"  Lincoln quickly ducked behind the obstacle course and tapped the screen on his duel disk. "This better be good, Marshall!" Lincoln snapped. A hologram of Marshall appeared on Lincoln's duel disk. "Lincoln, hey man!" The hologram said. "Look sorry about this but I needed to bail out and get back home. There's a bit of a problem in Royal Woods City and I had to leave the Fusion dimension to deal with it. Sure I could've sent you to deal with it but I didn't want to disturb you in class." How thoughtful of you Marshall, Lincoln thought as he clenched his teeth in anger. "Now I know you're not happy right now but I need you to do me a solid." The hologram continued seeming to sense Lincoln's anger. "You know the Supreme King? The guy we were chasing? Of course you do. Well, I need you to make sure that nothing happens to him! You must do that. Like extremely important. I know it sounds crazy but there's a method to my madness! What's it for, you may ask? Well, that's me to know and you to find out. Good luck man. And don't forget I'm counting on you." With that, the hologram disappeared. "Great." Lincoln muttered to himself. "Just great." He was alone and stuck at Duel Academy while Marshall was off on another crazy adventure. Just for once, Lincoln thought to himself as he trudged back to his class can't ANYTHING go my way? When he got back, Aster and Hassleberry were both waiting for him. "UNACCEPTABLE!" Hassleberry shouted at Lincoln. "You're a disgrace to this platoon soldier! You won't even last a week!" "Hey leave him alone-" Syrus started to say. "PIPE DOWN PIPSQUEAK!" Hassleberry roared. "Now all of you, drop and give me 20!" Lincoln groaned as he prepared to do his 20 pushups but Aster stopped him. "It's ok Hassleberry. I'll deal with him." He said. "In fact, I have orders from the Professor to do his fusion training." "Sam Hill!" Hassleberry gasped. "You have a problem with that soldier?" Aster asked. "Well no." Hassleberry sighed as he turned to face Lincoln. "Loud, you are dismissed!" Lincoln couldn't believe his good luck! Aster led him to the courtyard.  "So, why'd you bring me here?" Lincoln asked. Aster activated his duel disk. "This is why." He said. Lincoln was confused. "Professor Viper believes in learning by doing. And I'm kinda the same." Aster explained. Lincoln grinned. Finally some excitement! He thought. "Let's make this a great duel Aster." Lincoln said as he activated his duel disk and inserted his deck into it. "I agree." Aster nodded as he and Lincoln drew their opening of five cards. "Let's DUEL!" They both yelled, ready to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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