𝒊𝒙. haunting in the woods

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CHAPTER NINE . . . haunting in the woods

 haunting in the woods

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PERHAPS IT WAS MAD FOR Persephone Harrow to go off searching for a new case the very same day of her attempted murder at the manor. And also perhaps quite mad that she'd only got stitches sewn into her head less than four hours ago. But she was bored, she needed something to do. Needed to keep busy. So that was a good enough reason.

Of course, she'd told Fern, her best friend, her confidant.

Only to be betrayed as she took away her keys, locking the front door on her way to work. Leaving her alone with their two houseguests. Mrs Drake and Ashley were good nurses, but not the best prison wardens. So they didn't even notice when she'd slipped out through her window.

It was a cold night, like most nights the past few weeks, and the streets of London were preparing for curfew. Sundown was due in a little over an hour.

Everyone always grumbles about how the nights start getting longer in autumn, unhappy that their days out are cut short and forced to go inside by five in the afternoon. But it's not exactly a ghost's fault for daylight saving time, well maybe just one ghost. Either way, Persie didn't care, people just find ways to disagree with you anyway.

Now she wasn't necessarily sure about a case yet, but a quick visit to the Archives couldn't hurt.

Although she did change her tune very quickly when she saw the woman sitting opposite the reception desk. The woman looked like she'd eaten a sour grape, or just found out her dead husband was alive and living in another country. Why she'd gone straight to that concept Persie really didn't know. Except now it was the only thing she could think about.

"Could I have an hour pass, please?" She hated how meek she sounded; clearing her throat as if she was ridding her voice of unnecessary fragility. Although she made sure to emphasise the 'magic word' so she didn't get screeched out the door. Because standing beneath her scrutinising gaze was enough to bury a man six feet under. So politeness was a guaranteed must in this situation.

Alas, that should only be reserved for the deserving though, which most certainly did not include this old bat. "No," So simple that she didn't even bother looking at her, just going back to type on one of the few ancient computers the entirety of London had; crushing her dreams of being busy for the remainder of this annoying day.

"Please." She was getting frustrated now. And you do not want a frustrated Persephone Daphne Harrow in a large community space. "I'll probably be out in half an hour, you'll hardly know I'm here." The corners of her lips were sore from how far she had them stretched out, and she could practically hear her teeth grinding together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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