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Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Uncle Rick. I only own the plot.

Percy P.O.V

As we lay by the lake, I let out a sigh of contentment. Wise Girl lay in my arms and Nico, Thalia & the rest of the seven + Calypso. I was still pretty surprised when Leo showed up with Festus & Calypso at Camp Half-Blood after we helped Apollo defeat that weird Roman emperor. It was pretty intense & those few months were a mess. What with Piper & Jason breaking up& Jason almost dying at the hands of Caligula but thank the Gods, Apollo had a surge of godly power & managed to badly scar Caligula, sorry, Boots & save Jason. After that Piper realized how close she had come to losing him & they got back together. You could hear the squeals of the Aphrodite cabin all the way to New Rome. Then Apollo & everyone defeated Nero & the rest of them, blah blah, Apollo went back to normal. RA-RA joined the Hunters of Artemis & Thalia left 'cos when she heard of Jason's close interaction with Thanatos, she realised she didn't want to be immortal & lose everyone she loves but Lacy from the Aphrodite cabin told me that she also left the Hunt because of a certain someone *cough*Nico*cough* . TBH I think Nico feels the same way even though they both say they're both just best friends 'cos both of them have that punk/emo vibe & like the same things.(A/n this is canon to TOA but I like Thalico better so there will be no mention of Solangelo in this.)

Anyway stupid ADHD, I got carried away. We were just relaxing as the rest of the 7+Thalico (their ship name courtesy of the Aphrodite cabin) & Calypso were playing volleyball. As Wise Girl napped, snuggled up next to me I fingered the box in my pocket, waiting for the right moment. Suddenly my thoughts were pierced by a scream. "No, Percy where are you, please don't leave, Percy where are you, Percy, Percy where are you? Help me!!!!!"Annabeth was screaming with tears running down her face. I hugged her tight whispering in her ear all the time "It's all right Wise Girl we got out, we're together, we're safe, he can't get us here, we're safe." Then i pressed a kiss to her lips and she responded for about 2 seconds before she broke down and started crying in my arms. I hugged her tight whispering "It's all right, you're not losing me, ever again, we'll be together forever. I love you Wise Girl" "I love you too." 

Then everyone else arrived on the scene when Beth had fallen back to sleep. I could clearly see the tear tracks on her face. They all looked at me questioningly "Flashback" I mouthed and they nodded understandingly. It had been 2 years since we had gotten out. Nico's and my flashbacks had faded but Annabeth's hadn't changed, in fact they had gotten stronger and were happening more frequently and we were all extremely worried, including Chiron. Then on the scene arrived the Stolls, Katie and Miranda Gardener & Grover as well as Clarisse and Chris Rodriguez. "Hey guys," said Travis "listen, we were Thinking maybe we should play T or D, it'll be fun" "Nah man," I replied "I'm not really in the mood.", and I switched on my phone. Suddenly a song played out "Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days". Then came a mysterious voice "Wish granted". There was a flash of gold light and the Stolls and Gardeners vanished!!!!!.

A/n This is my first fanfic so I would love to hear your thoughts on this see you in the next part.

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