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Disclaimer: Uncle Rick possesses ownership of all these brilliant characters. I own only the plot.

Thalia P.O.V

When Will, Frank, Hazel, R.E.D vanished I knew it was only a matter of time before it was our turn. So we all said our goodbyes and locked hands. I had Jason on one side and Nico on the on the other. Piper was next to Jason with Leo next and then Calypso.

When Nico held my hand I felt a blush creep up my neck. It had been almost a year since I quit the Hunters  and found a new best friend in Nico. We both liked Green Day, we both are Children of The Big 3, we both were frozen in time and we both are punk/emo and like black clothes and we are both rebels.

Then I slowly started to like him and by slowly I mean that within a week I was head over heels for him. As he held my hand I felt my neck getting warm. Annabeth caught my eye and winked at me while Piper just smirked. I glared and them I braced myself for the journey. I felt a tug in my navel and then I was pulled into a vortex.

All I could see was black until a crack appeared and we all plummeted. I could feel my self free-falling as I yelled 'Jason, control the winds and float us down to safety.' But my iron-loving brother had been knocked out, AGAIN! I mean seriously! Who get knocked out that much!

I gathered up all my courage and forced my self to not look down as everyone around me started screaming. Then I took a deep breath, grabbed Nico's hand for support, which he squeezed tightly and took control of the winds. I willed them to let us float on them. Then we screeched to a halt about 10 feet off the ground.

I looked around me to see everyone slightly dazed so while the winds were supporting us I flew around electrocuting everyone with my built in taser. Once they were shocked back to consciousness I went over to my brother and smacked him across the head and shocked him for being an idiot. While he was still drowsy I floated the rest of us back down to safety.

When we landed there was some slow clapping behind us as well as whistling. I turned to see Grover, the Stolls, Gardners, R.E.D, Will, Frank, Hazelnut, Chris, Clarisse and RA-RA standing behind us. The Stolls were slow clapping with foolish grins on their faces. I scowled at them and then Grover said 'Man, Thals. You just had to make the rest of us look bad.' 'It's my job Goat-boy' I replied. 'I have to make al of you look bad, and I'm telling you this from now Percy and Annabeth's entrance is gonna be even more drama-' 'Thalia!', a voice interrupted me.

I turned around to see Luke standing there with a disbelieving look on his face. I felt my eyes full with tears at seeing him and I tried to restrain the flood of emotions that was coming through when I felt someone collide with me and arms wrap around my midriff. 'Thals,' a tiny voice squeaked. 'I can't believe you're back, I missed you! How did you come back?' 'Well Annie,' I said crouching down to talk eye to eye with AC 'believe it or not it was actually Clarisse, you and Kelp Head who helped bring me back' studiously ignoring Luke. 

'Really! I helped bring you back ! I can't believe I get a quest! But who's-' before she could finish though, an Iris- Message appeared which showed the three fates and they said 'Dear demigods, oracle, satyr and centaur of the past and future, we are here to inform you that she ' - they pointed to me- ' is a Lieutenant of Artemis and hereby off-limits' with that being said they winked at me and vanished, and I felt my circlet and the power I once felt surging through me return.

I just stood there dumbfounded unsure of what to do. And then everyone from the future started cracking up. I gave them all a death flare which effectively shut them all up, however they kept in grinning. Then Chiron said 'Alright, now would you all please introduce yourselves.'

Calypso stepped forward and said 'I'll go first since I have the shortest title of us all. I am Calypso ,  daughter of Atlas, former resident of Ogygia and I should have been released after the 2nd Titan War,' the last part she yelled at the sky and flipped them off. 'WDYM, should've been released?' Chiron asked.

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