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Small Note: The next chapter will closely follow episode 1 of Beyblade Burst if anyone is down to follow along. ^-u-^

The twins were over the moon excited and Valt couldn't keep his mouth shut. They went on and on and on about anything and everything they were gonna do after I made the perfect bey, which includes a practice plan for the district tournament in my area.

"Competition in your district doesn't seem tough so I'm sure you can take them." Nika commented while scrolling through the previous district 13 tournaments.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down" Toko chipped in after watching last year's winner get beaten in the first round of Nationals. "Plus, it's good to think of the district tournaments as a way to train and experience all types of different beys."

"It's also smart to do enough to win but not enough to draw attention." Valt stated. He has a point but...

"I would draw attention to myself just for winning the district tournament because I've never had a public battle before." You started calmly then you smirked, "So I want my introduction to the blading world to reach those at the top." Something compelled you to say those words but once you got them out, you froze.

"That's a bold dream there, dear." The nice old lady who's just been sitting there watching the four of you talking through the process finally said something. "If I may, it seems you have everything down but the most important one. Your partner, who is your partner?"

The question stumped you. In order for you to have a partner, you needed a partner. A bey is created when both partners are present, the bey spirit and the blader. It was the outcome you expected, walking out of that little hut without a bey and 3 bummed looking Aoi siblings in tow. You promised you'd come back and that was that. After you got back home you debate for a while before pulling out the sketches that Toko and Nika made. Looking through them, there were some that had parts where it didn't look right but the twins did their best but Valt's was on a whole other level. A laugh sounded behind you. You tensed but soon dropped your guard after realizing who it was.

"Pfft, what is that?!" Nebula asked, looking half amused and half horrified by the sketch Valt created.

"It was supposed to be a bey but I guess only Valt can see it." You chuckled. Nebula Eclipse, a lost spirit you found when you were younger. Who now follows you anywhere on this planet ever since you freed her from her eternal slumber while you were on vacation. Freeing her wasn't the hard part, well it was for a child but the younger you also had to deal with making sure the little spirit didn't cause any trouble. There are no myths and legends that state she's a goddess of any sort but the energy she gives off has always been powerful which was why 4-year-old E had a very hard time breaking down the barriers.

"Are you ready for today's lesson?" Nebula asked. She and Rowan have basically single handedly shaped your ever growing well of raw magic. You know of only one other person who has raw magic, but they are always busy running a kingdom, so they never had time to help teach you.

"Yup, yup!" Excited you skipped after her floating form and out into the forest behind your home. Your magic first showed itself when you were 3 years of age. Only your mother knew, and she never wanted another soul to know anything because she feared for your safety, which is reasonable. Scientists would flock to you in a moment's notice and demand blood samples if they ever found out. It was a pain to control, any slight change in emotion and your powers went bonkers.

"Alright E, let's pick up where we left off of last time." Nebula said while she showed me various forms of weapons, from crossbows to staffs. The last lesson focused mostly on trying to get me to use magic and mixing it with my attacks. Flaming swords, deadly faster daggers, ice explosions, and the list goes on. Self-defense was one of the first things you learned courtesy of Rowan, which included shields and lots of running.

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