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   "Hello ... Zuko here, but I guess you probably already know me, sort of. Uhhh ... so, the thing is I have a lot of firebending experience, and I'm considered to be pretty good at it.  Well, you've seen me, you know, when I was attacking you. Uhhh ... yeah, I guess I should apologize for that. But anyway, I'm good now. I mean, I thought I was good before, but I realize I was bad, but anyway, I think it's time I joined your group and taught the Avatar firebending." A badgerfrog croaks at him. "Well, what's your answer?" The badgerfrog hops on his head before hopping away. "Yeah ... that's what I'd say, too. How am I supposed to convince these people that I'm on their side? What would Uncle do? Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self, reveal itself." He stops mocking Iroh for a moment making me smile. "Even when I'm talking for him I can't figure out what he means. What would Azula do? Listen, Avatar, I can join your group, or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. Your choice." He stops imitating Azula causing me to giggle quietly. "I guess I'm just not that good at impersonations."

    "Zuko maybe try being honest. If they don't want us there then they must not need us." I said before standing in front of him. He sighed and leaned down and kissed my head softly.

   "Yeah I know but it's not just us I'm worried about anymore." He said. "The war needs to end." His hand gently touched my stomach before he turned and walked out to the woods. "I'll find something for us to eat."

   *short skip*

    "Zuko." I mumbled as he swung as down onto the temple floor. His arm around my waist as the other held the chain. He looked down at me before offering a small smile.

   "I'll do the talking." He said causing a small frown to appear on my face. Zuko and talking don't mix at least correctly.

   "Okay then.."

   "Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!"

"I think that'll have to wait." She points behind herself as Appa moves out of the way to reveal Zuko and I. I looked at my siblings before looking at the Avatar.

"Hello ... Zuko here." The gang prepares to attack. "Hey, I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here." Appa growls at him and licks him twice. I watch Aang as he lowers his staff slightly. "I know you must be surprised to see me here."

"Not really, since you've followed us all over the world."

"Right. Well, uhhh ... anyway ... what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed, and I, uhhh, I'm good now, and well I think I should join your group, oh, and I can teach firebending to you. See, I, uhhh ..."

"You want to what now?" The earth bender said. I crossed my arms over my stomach and sighed.

"You can't possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? I mean, how stupid do you think we are?! Especially you Hai." I remained silent.

"Yeah, all you've ever done is hunt us down and try to capture Aang!"

"I've done some good things! I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something!" Appa licks him again, much to his surprise.

"Appa does seem to like him."

"He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him. I'm not buying it."

"I can understand why you wouldn't trust me, and I know I've made some mistakes in the past."

"Like when you attacked our village?"

"Or when you stole my mother's necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?"

"Look, I admit I've some awful things. I was wrong to try to capture you, and I'm sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe. And I never should have sent that Fire Nation assassin after you. I'm going to try and stop-"

"Wait, you sent Combustion Man after us?" Sokka pulled out his boomerang and on instinct I moved in front of Zuko.

"Well, that's not his name, but-"

"Ohhh, sorry. I didn't mean to insult your friend!"

    "Sokka." I warned as he glared at Zuko.

"He's not my friend!"

"That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up!"

    "Technically he was only supposed to find you." I said before tilting my head to the side.

"Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me." Aang turns to look at his friends, and Sokka shakes his head at Aang.

"There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done. We'll never let you join us. Hai, you're always welcome but Zuko you should leave."

"You need to get out of here. Now."

"I'm trying to explain that I'm not that person anymore!"

"Either you leave, or we attack."

"If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner." Zuko kneels down, bends his head, and raises his arms in surrender.

"No, we won't!" Katara said as she blasts water at us Zuko pushing me towards Appa quickly. "Get out of here, and don't come back! And if we ever see you again, well, we'd better not see you again!"

     "Wait." I said as he began to walk away. I looked at Aang before tensing up slightly. "Aang I can't teach you fire bending. I also can't ask you to just forgive us for everything. We need this war to end and you're our only hope. Do you remember what I said to you the first time we met?"

    "You need me to defeat the fire lord. That I need to hurry up and train." I got closer and watched Katara step in front of the air bender.

"Aang, I need you to defeat the fire lord but you'll need Zuko's help." I said. They all looked at me before frowning and turning to the Prince.

"I'm sorry Hai, I just need to really think about it first." Aang said. I frowned and watched Zuko turn to leave.

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