𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 3

383 18 11

3rd Person Pov

The TV was glitching not until a weird looking creature appeared. Everyone then looked at the TV screen "Greetings earthlings. I am Adu du! From planet Ata Ta Tiga!" Everyone was then shocked.

"Surrender all your cocoa beans or prepare for annihilation-" Boboiboy then changed the channel before he finished talking. "What? Hey! Why did you change the channel?!" Gopal exclaimed.

Boboiboy placed his arm resting on his head with a bored expression. "It's boring." Boboiboy said. "No it's not!" Gopal answered back.

Adudu's Pov

"It seems the Earthlings thought that was a TV show." Computer told me. "Argh! Blast it!" I slammed my hand on the arm rest. The door opened and I saw Probe enter the room.

"Mr. Boss! I have gathered information on the Earthlings. The results are scary!" Probe told me in a scared way. "Ay? What is it, Probe?" I asked, I wanted to know more information.

"Take a look at this Mr. Boss! Look at what the humans are doing to green aliens like you!" I then looked closely at the video tape Probe got.

"First, they chop the aliens into little pieces!" "Ah!" I reacted scared. "Then they put them into boiling hot water!" "Ahhh!!" I reacted even more scared. "And finally, they force their kids to eat the aliens. Every. Single. Last. one of them!" And at that point I fell down my chair and almost fainted.

"How could they be so cruel to green aliens like me?" I said. "Good thing I'm purple." Probe sighed as he said. "So that's why they weren't afraid of your announcement." Computer told me.

"Seems like we have no other choice, we must use the Power Sphera!" "But the Power Sphera requires a high concentration of energy to be activated!" Computer told me. "I know. We'll use cocoa energy! Probe! Get out there and steal some cocoa!" 

"But Mr. Boss, why me?" Probe questioned. "Because you're purple." "Aw man, why am I born purple?" Probe exclaimed. He must have forgotten how happy he was when he was born purple.

Boboiboy's Pov

"All right Boboiboy, I'm heading out. Watch the shop okay?" Tok Aba told me. "But I don't know what to do.What if there are a lot of customers?" I told Tok Aba in defence. "Oh don't worry, they're just people. It's not like their aliens. Tok Aba told me.

"Don't worry Boboiboy, I'm right here if you need help with something." (Y/N) told me. I couldn't help but stare at her for a moment. "Snap out of it Boboiboy!" I told myself.

After a few minutes there weren't that many people anymore since (Y/N) helped me a while ago. Things were going on smoothly. I then saw (Y/N) worried about something as she was aware of her surroundings.

I came to check up on her and tapped her shoulder. She then flinched and looked at me. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" I assured her. "Oh no! It's okay! It was my fault for not taking a closer look at my surroundings." She laughed nervously.

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