Coming home pt 2

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I pack for another 15-20 minutes before I hear the front door open again. I hear footsteps go to my room and stand by the door. "Okay, what can I do to help."
"Um... can you start on the closet?" She nods her head and walks over to my closet, and starts packing up clothes. By 5:30, my entire room was packed up other than a few select items scattered around. "Let's move your stuff to the living room so it's easier to load." I nod my head and help her carry boxes. I hadn't noticed initially how empty the apartment was, I guess I also wasn't looking for it to be empty. By the time we get my stuff stacked off to the side of the living room, I hear my dad's keys in the lock. He comes through the door. "I'm home!" He walks into the living room and notices the large wall of boxes. "Is your room already packed up!" He asks. I think impressed at the progress we had made. "Let's have a quick chat before the movers get here." I make my way over to one couch, and Miss Jen and My dad sit on the other. "Can I be clued in on whatever's going on now?" I ask very casually because I'm pretty sure I know the answer. "Ricky, when we went on our cruise, we didn't just go on vacation; we went to go get married."
"Wait... you're married. I mean, I figured you got engaged, but married?"
"We decided just to go ahead and go for it." Miss Jen added. "Dad, is the divorce even finalized yet!"
"Yes, it's all be finalized. Jen and I thought this was the best move for everyone." I nod my head. "Are you okay?" Miss Jen asks. "Yeah, just a lot of emotions at the moment."
"That's okay; I know this is a lot."
"That's how we're able to afford a bigger house." My dad nods his head. "I wanted to tell you sooner, but we thought it would be best to wait till you got home from camp based on what happened in December." I nodded my head. I mean, I see why they did what I did, but... I... I... I don't even know how I feel. "Ricky, we're gonna go ahead and move to the new house tonight. It's the end of the month, and our lease is up. We either move now or wait six more months."
"We can't wait six more months." Miss Jen adds. My Dad gets a text that the movers are here. I say goodbye to the apartment and walk downstairs and get in my car. I follow my Dad to the new house. The movers moved everything in, and we are left with a lot of boxes and furniture in the house. "Do you want the tour?" Miss Jen asks. "Sure" She and my Dad walk me around and showed me everything throughout the house. We go up to the second floor, "and this up here is the kid's hallway"
"Kids hallway?" I ask. "Yeah, you get a whole hallway to yourself, one day we hope to add to the family, but until then, it's all yours! We also might put an office up here until that happens, though." I nod my head. "So I get to pick my room?" They both nod their heads. I walk through each of the rooms and find one that has a window that overlooks the driveway and the basketball hoop. There is a room across from it and one next to it a little further down the hall. I turn and look at them. My Dad has his arm wrapped around Miss Jen as they watch me in the room. "Is this the one?" My Dad asks as I nod my head. "Let's move your stuff!" We carry all my stuff upstairs and get my bed set up for tonight. My Dad and Miss Jen had apparently been moving their stuff for the past week or so, which was why there was not much left in the apartment except for some of the bigger stuff. I got what I wanted unpacked for the night and laid down on my bed. It was a crazy day, to say the least.

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