Time and Truth

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As of tomorrow, we will officially have spent one whole month in the new house. Next week, I will be starting my Senior year at East High. Will it be weird to be a senior and not have EJ and Nini around? Yeah, but I'm a senior. I get on my skateboard and head over to Big Reds. "So, do you think it will be weird having Miss Jen as a drama teacher since she married your Dad?"
"No, I mean maybe. I see her every day. I might have to practice a bit harder than I do now, but I don't think it will change much." He nods his head. "Is she still going by Miss Jen, or is She Mrs. Bowen now?" I don't know. I mean, we haven't had that conversation yet. I'll probably find out when you do." He nods his head. "Well, Wait... What about."
"Can we just talk about something else? I mean, this is still kinda new to me, too; I'm going to visit my Mom in Chicago starting tomorrow. I should be back a day or two before school starts, so I'm not even gonna be around."
"Again, didn't you just get back?"
"Yeah, but this is the last time I can go until October, so I want to get the trips in when I can." He nods his head. We finish the night with a movie and some pizza before I ride my skateboard home. I walk through the front door "I'm home!"
"Ricky, can you come to the kitchen, please?" I walk into the kitchen and sit on the island. "What's up?"
"Ricky, do you remember when I told you that there are some parts of my past that can get a little bit sketchy?"
"Yeah." I saw cautiously. "Well... One of those things is going to change our lives a little bit."
"Miss Jen your scaring me a little bit."
"Ricky, a few years ago I met this guy and we had a baby together." I look at her confused. "When I moved to New York we felt it was best to have her grow up here with her Dad. She would come visit me every once and a while, or I would visit her, but she always stayed with him for the school year." There was a short pause "More recently her Dad got a new job offer, He and his wife will be moving to Detroit. The more we talked about it, we all decided that it might be best for her to stay here with me in salt lake."
"So wait, you have a daughter, and she's coming to live with us?"
"That sums it up." I nod my head. "A new sister. Great." I say trying to process the news. I feel my phone vibrate and have a text from my mom. "Ricky, something came up, I'm not going to be home this week, we need to reschedule your visit for another time."
"Okay, let me know when we can make it work. I emailed you my school schedule," she replied with a thumbs up. "Ricky is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I mean I shouldn't be surprised. My mom just canceled my trip... Again." I say with a shrug. "Ricky, I'm sorry, I know you were looking forward to seeing her again."
"Yeah, but it's fine. Hey, at least I get to spend some more time with your daughter this way."
"Yeah, I know your sister is very excited to meet you."
"When does she move in?"
"In three days." I nod my head. "You know I'm pretty tired, I'm gonna head to bed."
"Okay, let me know if you need anything." I nod my head and go upstairs before collapsing on my bed. I roll over and stair at the ceiling. I feel time pass without moving. I hear a knock on my door, "hey Ricky, I just wanted to tell you goodnight. Mike and I are headed to bed." I get up and walk to my door just in time to see her walking away. I feel myself get choked up on words. "Goodnight." I manage to choke out just in time for her to go downstairs. We've been living together for a month now, and I struggle to even hug her at times. It's not because I don't like her, it's just, I don't know. Im... I... I don't know. It's just complicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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